This Is The Best Way To Cook Boneless Lamb Chops

If you're unsure about what is the best way to cook those boneless lamb chops in your freezer, we've got the answer for you. According to Wissam Baki, the executive chef of Amal Miami, "Boneless lamb is best to pan sear to ensure a nice crust without over cooking." Pan searing will ensure perfect, tender lamb chops every time. Because boneless lamb chops tend to be cut thinner, they're easy to over cook, but pan searing minimizes that risk.

Ready to pan sear some boneless lamb chops? First, pick out a lamb recipe, like our garlicky pan-seared lamb chops. Thaw the lamb chops if needed, then marinate them to ensure good flavors. Lamb tends to be gamey, which a garlicky, herby marinade can help mask. Lamb is such a beautiful protein and, sometimes, we like to balance and complement lamb's rich flavors with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Then, it's time to cook the lamb. Add butter or cooking oil to a hot pan, then add the marinated boneless lamb chops. Sear for 2 minutes before searing the other side for 1 minute. You want both sides of your lamb chops to develop a nice crust. In our pan-seared lamb chops recipe, we recommend that you let the lamb rest for about 5 minutes before serving. 

Pan searing works for bone-in lamb chops as well

Now that you've perfected pan-searing boneless lamb chops, let's talk about bone-in lamb chops, or lollipop lamb chops. You can stick with pan-searing, or consider grilling them for added flavor. If you're working with a rack of lamb, even more cooking methods become available, giving you greater flexibility in how you prepare your next lamb dish. For example, if you try our hazelnut-crusted lamb chops recipe, you can roast the entire rack of lamb in an oven.

Of course, if you'd prefer to slice the rack of lamb into individual lamb chops to pan sear, you can do that too. Either way, just be sure to cover all of the lamb with our flavorful hazelnut crust first. With juicy, tender, and perfectly cooked lamb chops, whether boneless or bone-in, it's time to celebrate with some wine. Pour a glass or two of chilled rosé or Bourdeaux, two of the best wine pairings for delicious lamb chops