The Best Way To Reheat Leftover Hash Browns To Keep Them Nice And Crispy

There are several leftovers that rarely seem worth salvaging; super-dressed salads, crispy chicken wings, and any version of a fried potato. But with a few reheating tips, much of what's here today doesn't have to be gone tomorrow — well, except for your soggy salads; those are hard to save. Today we're focusing on reheating hash browns, which everyone knows are best when they're warm, crispy, and right off the pan.

There are three options for reheating your hash browns, but before you get to this step, make sure you store your leftovers properly. If you get leftovers in one of those flimsy to-go boxes, pop your food into a tightly sealed container, and store it in the fridge until you're ready to dive back in. When it's time to reheat your hash browns, the three options you have are to re-fry them in a skillet, pop them into the oven, or reheat them in the microwave.

The best method is re-frying your hash browns on the stovetop because this most closely replicates how they were initially cooked. Baking your hash browns in the oven takes a bit longer, as you'll need to preheat your oven first, but is a great second contender. Like Julia Child before us, we are not fans of the microwave, but also get that its efficiency and convenience are hard to beat. And while there are a lot of things we recommend not putting in the microwave, hash browns get a free pass as long as they've been properly stored.

Simple tricks to bringing your hash browns back to life

To use the skillet, first, you need to turn your stove on medium-low. Then, add a small pad of butter or oil to your pan — just enough to cover the surface area. Once the butter is bubbly or the oil is heated through and shimmery, add your leftovers. It should only take about three to five minutes to completely reheat your hash browns. To make sure the heat is evenly distributed, give your potatoes a stir every minute or so. 

If you're going the baking route, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit with a baking tray inside. When your oven is fully heated, carefully take the hot baking tray out and add your hash browns. Place the tray back in the oven for 10 minutes, giving your hash browns a healthy shake, or flip at the five-minute mark. After time's up, your hash browns should be warmed through, crispy, and good to go.

For microwaving, grab a microwave-safe dish and try placing your hash browns on top of some paper towels to absorb the moisture. Make sure to move your dish to the edge of the microwave so that it gets an even rotation, and heat your hash browns in 30-second intervals so you don't accidentally burn them. Microwaves go from zero to scalding fast! Good luck, and happy noshing.