The Simple Solution To Fix A Drink That's Too Bitter

Making cocktails at home is a complicated task. With an intimidating combo of precise measurements and strong flavors, even the smallest error can result in an undrinkable concoction. This is especially the case when dealing with bitters. Bitters are used to balance sweetness in cocktails and are made from herbs steeped in high-proof alcohol to extract their flavors into a potent substance. Their complex, bitter flavors are the perfect way to make dessert cocktails even better.

With bitters, a little goes a long way, however, as they can quickly overwhelm any drink they are put into. Before you dump an overly bitter drink down the drain and start over, you can easily fix your cocktail with just one ingredient: salt.

Salt is used in cocktails for the same reason it's used in food. It's one of the most effective flavor-enhancing substances in the world, capable of making some flavors more pronounced while also subduing others. It's especially effective at reducing bitter flavors, which is why many tequila-based cocktails, such as the classic frozen margarita, have a salted rim. The addition of a salted rim balances the naturally bitter notes of the tequila and lime juice, resulting in a smoother, more palatable flavor. While the salted rim is effective, it's not right for every drink. Instead, making a salty saline solution can fix any drink that's too bitter.

How to make a saline solution to fix a bitter drink

Making a homemade saline solution is an incredibly simple process. Using a 2:1 ratio of hot water to table salt, stir in the salt until dissolved. For a more elevated saline solution, use a high-quality kosher salt or sea salt. Pour the saline solution into a small bottle, such as those used for bitters, and be sure to add the solution one drop at a time into your bitter cocktail until the flavor is desirable. Just remember, an overly salty cocktail can be just as bad as one that's too bitter!

While a homemade saline solution can save your cocktails in a pinch, keeping some on hand in your at-home bar is a great way to enhance the flavor of any homemade cocktail. Even if your drink doesn't feature bitter notes, a few drops of saline solution can enhance the naturally occurring flavors of your cocktail, such as its sweetness. It can easily elevate a standard drink into a refined cocktail, making any at-home cocktail night a little more classy.