Where Does The Term 'Snack' Come From?

Snacking is one of the great pleasures of life. The word "snack" has come to have several different meanings over time, yet the idea of a snack in its simplest form conjures up nostalgic notions of childhood indulgence. It's interesting to note that the first known use of the word dates back to 1757. The term was likely borrowed from a similar term in Middle Dutch, "snacken," which is a verb describing the act of biting. The word itself is also considered an onomatopoeia, mimicking the sound of a bite or snap. This, of course, relates back to both the verb and noun versions of the word in a more modern context. In current colloquial terms, the word has taken on newer and more unique interpretations alongside such similar terms as "thirst trap" and a number of others. 

In the mid-18th century, the word "snack" became synonymous with a light bit of food to be eaten in between larger meals. As recent as the early 1920s, the idea of a snack bar –- a place in which to procure and consume snacks -– began a more modern evolution of the concept of snacks and snacking. It was around the 2010s, that the word took on an entirely new meaning as a descriptive term for a person deemed good-looking. With such a breadth of popular snacks in America, it is no wonder that this term gained traction as an adjective to denote attractiveness.

Snacktime then and now

Whether you're looking for healthy snacks that won't ruin your diet or indulging your sweet tooth in a most decadent way, it's definitely interesting to consider the way that the word "snack" has exceeded its humble origins to exist in a unique modern day context. The original meaning of the term still remains with several other additional nuances that have become attached to it over the centuries. For example, popcorn is largely considered one of if not the oldest ancient snack, with radiocarbon dating showing proof that it has been around and enjoyed for more than 5,000 years. What's more, there are a bevy of snack food brands that have been around much longer than you might realize.

Fig Newtons and Cracker Jacks date back to the late 1890s and are still going strong to this day. There are even plenty of 1990s snacks you can still buy today that might be considered vintage by some. With recording artists like Lizzo utilizing the term "snack" in its most modern colloquial context, it would seem that both the term and the concept are still as popular as ever. Truly, snacking has been in fashion for quite some time and it shows no signs of slowing down.