What Is The Starbucks Moon Drink And How Do You Order It?

We know how to taste the rainbow thanks to Skittles, but have you ever tasted the moon? If you stayed up to date on social media drink trends in 2021, there's a chance that you've tried the drink that TikTokers say evokes the flavor of the moon. What does that mean exactly? And wasn't the moon supposed to be made of cheese? It's tough to say, and even fans of the drink were confused (although one comment claimed, "I got mine with coconut milk and it was CELESTIAL," so there's that). But when the original creator, @swanmuse, proclaimed, "It tastes like drinking the moon herself," everyone and their mother (including Lizzo) flocked to Starbies to pick up this unique beverage.

You can think of it as either an upgraded iced matcha latte or as a cold mixture of two teas. If you want to try it, here's what to order: a grande iced matcha latte with two pumps of chai. The original concoction stops there, but as it took off, coconut milk became a popular swap for the 2% milk that the beverage originally came with. It's an undoubtedly sweet creation, as Starbucks' matcha blend and chai concentrate already come with sugar, but you also get earthy, warming, and slightly spicy flavors, all balanced out by the cool, tropical taste of the coconut milk. Plus, the matcha and chai pairing from the secret menu Matcha Brown Sugar Chai Latte already landed high in our Starbucks chai drink ranking.

Shoot for the moon with tasty beverage additions

While the moon drink was a huge hit, especially in 2021, not everyone loved it. Some claimed it was too sweet (a common misgiving when it comes to Starbucks matcha drinks), while others said the consistency was a bit chalky (perhaps that's where its name came from?). If you want to give it a shot, however, feel free to make it your own. While coconut milk is the common base, you can substitute it for any of Starbucks' milk options, including almond, oat, soy, or whole milk.

Since some testers noted that the chai addition was pretty subtle on social media, one simple way to up the flavor is to add one or two more pumps to your drink — and if you order a venti, you'll want to do this anyway. If you'd like to taste a sweet cloud as soon as you sip your beverage, try adding one of Starbucks' cold foams, such as the cinnamon sweet cream, vanilla sweet cream, or white chocolate macadamia versions — since we already know that Starbucks' chai and macadamia flavors go well together. You can also line your cup with caramel sauce, finish it off with a caramel drizzle, or top it off with some cinnamon powder.