Add Seasoning Packets To Your Popcorn For A More Satisfying Snack

More than a mere movie munch, popcorn is an excellent anytime snack whether you prefer yours microwaved with lots of butter or lightly popped on the stovetop. With so many fun bagged popcorn flavors to choose from, you may be wondering if there are any tips for making the best popcorn that might inspire you to craft your own salty or sweet version of the snack at home. While a bagged version is great in a pinch, making your own popcorn allows you to fully customize the flavors for a much more satisfying taste. To get the best popcorn possible, try adding your favorite seasoning packet to the batch and tasting the flavorful difference.

It's super simple to pick a packet of seasoning that will suit your popcorn preferences. Just about any style of packaged seasoning will work especially well as the mix is typically the consistency of a fine powder; if there's one thing to know about getting seasoning to stick to popcorn, it's that you need to make sure the spices are properly pulverized. There is a wide variety of different flavors ranging from savory and spicy to oh-so-sweet. Whatever you choose will be a snacktime winner.

The seasoning makes the snack

When adding seasonings to your popcorn, it's important to use a binder such as melted butter or oil to ensure the ground-up spices will properly adhere to your kernels. You'll want to pop your popcorn first — either in the microwave or on the stovetop — before tossing in oil or melted butter and then coating it with spices. Remember to select a butter or oil that's mild in flavor so as not to overpower your seasoned snack. Whereas tossing your already popped popcorn with avocado oil works well on savory snacks, tossing it with melted coconut oil is great when you're seasoning your popcorn to have an overall sweeter flavor. As for what type of spices you want to toss your snacks in, there are myriad delicious options lining the shelves at your local grocery store.

Starting on the more savory side of things, a simple ranch dressing packet will streamline the process of making a ranch-seasoned stovetop popcorn recipe, by combining all the necessary ranch flavors needed in one place. For something with more of a spicy kick, toss your fully-popped popcorn with a packet of taco seasoning, Cajun seasoning, or even Caribbean jerk seasoning. On the sweeter side, try a cinnamon sugar or kettle corn-style seasoning packet. A cheesecake dip mix or a sprinkle of other cookie-inspired powdered seasonings will add the perfect blend of sweetness to go with your popcorn. Anyway you make your snack, it's sure to satisfy.