The Secret For An Extra Crunchy Grilled Cheese Is Already In Your Pantry

Who doesn't love a homemade grilled cheese sandwich? They're easy to prepare, with inexpensive ingredients, a speedy cooking time, and that oh-so-satisfying cheese pull that's practically begging to be posted to Instagram. They require minimal cooking prowess, allowing anyone from young kids to college students and working parents to easily prepare them any day of the week.

While a grilled cheese sandwich is always sure to deliver, there are countless ways to transform this tried-and-true classic into a newfound culinary masterpiece. You can elevate your grilled cheese with bacon, pesto, or pulled pork. Or, if you like a plain Jane grilled cheese, swap out the bread for a tangy sourdough or add garlic salt for a burst of zesty, umami flavor.

Of course, with grilled cheese, texture is just as crucial as flavor. If you're looking for a simple way to add an addictive crunch with each bite, look no further than the bag of potato chips already in your pantry. By adding crushed potato chips to your grilled cheese, you can create a crunchy exterior that perfectly complements the sandwich's soft, melty interior. Because potato chips are so neutral in flavor, they pair well with just about any type of cheese, bread, or additional filling you might add.

Add crushed potato chips for an extra crunchy grilled cheese

To make an extra crunchy grilled cheese, add half a stick of softened butter into a mixing bowl. Add garlic powder, mild cheddar cheese, and potato chips. Crush the chips into the mixture and stir until combined into a thick paste. Spread the paste onto the outside of your bread, assemble your grilled cheese as usual, and cook on the stove with a lid on until crispy (recipe via @spicednice on TikTok).

This recipe is incredibly versatile, and there are several variations that you can make. First, you can swap the type of cheese depending on the fillings of your grilled cheese. For example, if you are making grilled cheese with creamy goat cheese, you can use a soft, mild cheese in your spread such as cream cheese to match the sandwich's flavor profile. The same logic goes for the type of chips used in the spread. You can use Flamin' Hot Cheetos to add a spicy kick or Cool Ranch Doritos for a crispy burst of zesty ranch flavor. The only real limit is your imagination!