How To Make Flavorful Canned Fish Burgers That Don't Fall Apart

Making burgers out of canned fish is one of the tastiest ways to morph these affordable tins into a full-blown meal. Whether you're working with salmon, tuna, or mackerel, there's plenty of room to add seasonings, toppings, and a pillowy bun, so you won't even be able to tell that your protein came out of a can. But if you're not careful, it's easy for tinned fish burgers to fall apart. Since the tuna or salmon is often packed in either oil or water, it holds more liquid than ground beef or turkey, making it harder for everything to stick together.

Thanks to chef Charlotte Langley, president and founder of Langley Foods, we've got all the intel needed to keep the structure of your tuna burgers intact. Her first tip? Include a binder, just like you typically would in a beef or turkey burger recipe. "To prevent patties from falling apart, make sure to add a binder like breadcrumbs, panko, or even mashed potatoes. Egg is also a great binder," Langley said in an interview with Tasting Table. While each of these ingredients will help your patties stick together, breadcrumbs also provide the extra benefit of soaking up any excess moisture in your tinned fish.

Let your patties chill out before you heat them up

But a binder isn't the only way you can prevent your tuna cakes from falling apart. According to chef Langley, popping your fully-formed patties in the fridge for 15 to 30 minutes before cooking helps them to solidify, so they're more likely to stick together when you apply heat. If you're short on time (or just don't want to wait that long), you can also place them in the freezer for up to 15 minutes to achieve the same effect.

As for flavoring, in addition to seasoning with salt and pepper, Langley has some favorite go-to ingredients. "For flavoring canned fish burgers, I recommend mixing in fresh herbs, lemon zest, Dijon mustard, and a bit of garlic. A touch of soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce can add umami depth," she explained.

When it comes to cooking your patties, Langley recommends using a non-stick pan or well-oiled grill to prevent sticking, which can also cause your burgers to fall apart. You'll want to cook them at medium heat, as anything higher can lead the outsides to burn, and steer clear of overcrowding your skillet and making it difficult to flip them.