Can You Freeze Rice Pudding Made With Leftover Rice?

Fast, easy, and delicious, rice pudding is a fantastic way to reuse leftovers. If you don't eat it all on the spot, you may be wondering if you can freeze it for later. With the right preparation, the answer is yes!

You may be wondering if it's dangerous to eat leftover rice. Like most foods, the key to avoid getting sick is to handle it properly. Rice can pick up the Bacillus cereus bacteria while it grows, but it tends to only make people sick when rice is left out at room temperature for several hours after cooking. This allows the bacteria to multiply and produce toxins that don't get destroyed by later cooking.

To be safe, cool uneaten rice to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours after cooking, and then down to refrigeration temperature within four more hours. You can safely refrigerate it for three to five days and use it to make rice pudding later. However, if the rice you're using to make pudding is already several days old, it's best to eat your dessert right away instead of freezing it. Properly frozen rice pudding will keep for up to three months. When you're ready to eat, simply thaw in the microwave or a pan, stirring in a little milk if necessary to bring it back to creamy perfection.

Freeze now, enjoy later

Like any food with a high liquid content, its texture can change during the process. While still frozen, it may seem more like ice cream than pudding— but who's complaining? Whatever temperature you plan to serve it, here are a few tips to keep it at its best.

First, choose an appropriate container, making sure it's freezer-safe and leak-proof. While you may have empty yogurt or cottage cheese containers around, they aren't usually vapor-resistant enough to keep food fresh during freezing. If you'll be eating the pudding warm, choose something that's safe to use in the microwave, too. It'll save you a step when you're ready to thaw your dessert. If you've just made the pudding, let it come to room temperature before putting it in the container. Remember to squeeze out as much extra air as possible before sealing to prevent freezer burn. You can also ladle it into freezer-pop molds. These icy treats should be firm enough to eat in about five hours.