The Olive Oil Swap For A More Complex Salad Dressing

Culinary ruts are easy to fall into when you're looking to put together a meal quickly, yet a boost in flavor doesn't need to be complicated or lengthy. A quick splash of sesame oil is all you need to elevate your next salad, and the effort is minimal compared to the tasty results you get to experience. Whether you've simply run out of your usual bottle of olive oil or are looking for new flavors to add to your meal, sesame oil is sure to deliver. 

Sesame oil offers a noticeable nutty flavor profile that can brighten up greens and add depth to proteins. While you may associate the ingredient with crunchy bok choy salads and colorful toasted sesame noodle salad recipes, the earthy oil can just as easily land comfortably on top of a simple bed of greens that have been plated with grilled salmon, pan-fried ribeye, or Hasselback-cut tofu. With just one ingredient, your entire dish will be transformed. 

One ingredient for a quick punch in taste

Since the quick addition packs a lot of flavor, drizzle sesame oil conservatively onto salad plates knowing you can always add more of the oil later on. The nutty flavor of sesame seed oil can complement winter salads made with squash and sweet potato, salads layered with crusted tuna, and grain-based recipes that offer bites of quinoa and rice. Even if you're lacking culinary inspiration, plates stacked with fresh leafy and green vegetables can take on new appeal with a quick spoonful of this toasty oil.

Experiment with toasted and untoasted sesame oil, or make your own sesame oil using sesame seeds and a neutral oil like avocado or vegetable. Once the oil is stocked in your cupboards, you can create unique layers of flavor by mixing sesame oil with spoonfuls of honey, chili crisp, or soy sauce. Suddenly, those hasty meals you toss together midweek won't seem as mundane.