Why You Can Skip Out On Washing Brown Rice

Though it may seem simple, rice is a complicated thing to master. Everyone makes some common mistakes when cooking rice, and a frequently asked question is whether you need to rinse your rice before cooking. The short answer is not always. Some varieties of rice benefit from washing before cooking; however, not all rice is created equally, and brown rice is a prime example. Brown rice, unlike white rice, has the bran (the outer layer of the edible rice kernel) and hull (the shell of the kernel) still intact. Since it still has these protective coverings, there aren't as many free starches on the kernel's surface to wash away. So, if you are worried that you forgot to wash your brown rice and think it'll come out clumpy, chances are, it'll be just fine.

With anything you're cooking, your preparation depends on what you want to achieve for the end result. Brown rice has different varieties, including short grain, medium grain, long grain, basmati, and jasmine, which vary in size, flavor, texture, and cooking ratios. Washing brown rice should fall to the bottom of the list of things to worry about when considering these variables, as paying attention to the variety and the water-to-rice ratio will more likely be what makes or breaks your rice.

Pay attention to the brown rice variety you are using and your desired outcome

Be warned, just because you skip washing your brown rice doesn't mean it won't stick together. Some varieties will naturally result in stickier rice, but because of the protective layering of the brown rice, you won't need to worry about a gloopy, clumpy mess (as long as you don't overcook it). Long story short, pay attention to the type of rice you choose based on what you are cooking. Short-grain rice usually sticks together regardless of rinsing, while long-grain rice will yield individual grains after cooking.

You can take solace in knowing that if you decide to skip washing your brown rice to save yourself a couple of minutes, it won't derail your dinner at home. Often, if a dish ends up stickier than you expected, it has more to do with the aforementioned variables than your decision to skip the washing. Once you master brown rice cookery, you can play around with different cooking techniques, like cooking a large batch of rice in the oven or cooking your rice in white wine.