What Is The Best Milk Alternative To Use For Vegan Copycat Starbucks Cold Foam?

Cold foam is the most popular add-on at Starbucks, giving any iced beverage a sweet and creamy finish and an irresistible velvety texture. First introduced at the company's Seattle Reserve Roastery in 2014, cold foam was brought nationwide in April 2018 and has been a menu staple ever since. However, if you're unable to consume dairy products, you might be feeling left out of the cold foam phenomenon. Thankfully, there's an easy way to make your own vegan copycat Starbucks cold foam at home using an unlikely ingredient: aquafaba.

Aquafaba is the proper name for the starchy liquid found in cans of chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans. While many pour this liquid gold down the drain, few utilize the substance for its unique ability to be whipped into a foam that mimics meringue, whipped cream, and of course, Starbucks cold foam. Aquafaba doesn't have much flavor on its own. Therefore, you must add flavorings and sweeteners to match the classic Starbucks cold foam's flavor profile. When buying canned chickpeas for aquafaba, look for kombu in the ingredients list, as the carrageenan-rich carbohydrate will naturally stabilize and thicken your aquafaba as it's whipped. This means that you won't need to add a stabilizing agent, such as cream of tartar.

Making vegan aquafaba cold foam at home

To make vegan copycat Starbucks cold foam at home, start by straining your unsalted aquafaba liquid into a bowl, separating it from the canned chickpeas. Refrigerate the aquafaba for a few hours, or until chilled, as the aquafaba will show the best results when cold. Then, using a whisk, hand mixer, or stand mixer, whip a few tablespoons of aquafaba, a tablespoon of sugar, and a splash of vanilla extract for a few minutes until the desired foamy consistency is reached. If the texture is too thin, add some cream of tartar or cornstarch to thicken it up. You can also use simple syrup, stevia, or any sweetener of your choice. It's important not to overwhip the mixture, as stiff peaks will result in a hard-to-drink, meringue-like consistency.

Since there are more than 12 Starbucks cold foam flavors, there are many ways to add extra flavors to your homemade cold foam. You can add some matcha powder, cocoa powder for a chocolate cold foam, or some cinnamon powder and melted white chocolate for a cinnamon dolce cold foam, just to name a few. Since the recipe requires very little aquafaba, you likely will have some liquid left over from the can. You can store leftover aquafaba in the fridge for up to four days and in the freezer for up to four months. If your aquafaba is whipped, however, enjoy it immediately, as the bubbles will disappear if left to sit.