Make Chips A More Filling Snack With The Help Of Crispy Salami

Snacktime is the best time to get your fix of sweet, salty, and everything in between. If you prefer handhelds or the even more diminutive finger foods, then chips are an excellent go-to whether you try to make your own potato chips at home or choose from any number of store-bought brands. There are a variety of chips on the market ranging from the healthiest chip brands to the less-than-healthy kind. Whatever you're in the mood for, there's an easy way to bulk up your snacking with a bit of extra protein. Make your own crispy salami chips and toss them with your favorite chips for an absolutely unforgettable bite –- or more!

Tossing crisped salami chips in with your favorite store-bought or even homemade chips works particularly well by turning a simple snack into something with -– quite literally –- a little more meat to it. In fact, you could use vegan salami for a meatless protein addition. When using crispy salami with potato chips, it takes a snackable twist on a traditional "meat and potatoes" type of dish. Further, it's super simple to create crispy salami chips to match the size of whatever chips you choose to use for consistency in shape with some variance in texture.

Tips for the perfect chips and salami snack

With so many popular brands of chips available on the market, you can easily determine how you prefer to pair it with a crispy salami. Of course, if you already know how long it takes to cook potato chips in the air fryer, you can start there. This is entirely your choice. When pairing potato chips with crispy salami, you'll want to choose a flavor that is complementary to your savory meat snack. As such, rosemary potato chips or anything with an herb or black pepper seasoning will be great. This goes doubly if you are using a peppered salami to create your crispy chips. For veggie chips, tortilla chips, or others, you'll want to choose something relatively plain and ideally round in shape to match up your crisped salami slices.

As for making your crispy chips, simply select a salami that's close in size to whatever chips you're planning on using. From there, slice thinly and use either a skillet on the stovetop, your oven's broiler, or an air fryer to get your crispy salami chips to the desired level of crunchiness. Once everything is crisped to perfection, toss it together in a large bowl and enjoy. You can even go a step further in dressing up your snack with a sprinkle of seasoning or cheese for extra spice and even more protein. However you serve it, your crispy salami and chips will amaze.
