The Absolute Best Gluten-Free Pasta Brand Tastes Indistinguishable From Classic Pasta

Gluten-free life is not always easy, especially if you're a lover of all things carbs. It's hard to find alternatives to wheat-based products that have a comparable taste and texture. Pasta dishes, in particular, can become a full science experiment when you're trying to replicate timeless recipes. While numerous gluten-free pasta brands are now available in stores, many of them simply fall flat and don't meet the expectations of people who have previously tasted classic pasta. And yet, there is one brand that stands out. Our writer, Yvette Johnstone, tested 12 gluten-free pasta brands and found the one that can easily rival regular pasta: Taste Republic.

This brand has achieved what many others have tried and failed to do — replicate the flavor of classic pasta. Not only has its taste impressed Taste Republic's gluten-free customers (many of whom have been searching for genuine pasta ever since their gluten-free journey began), it has also impressed the customers' unsuspecting family members. Several happy shoppers report that their family members couldn't tell they were eating gluten-free pasta, with one person noting that even their Italian family didn't spot the difference. It's hard to imagine a better seal of approval.

One reason why Taste Republic's pasta tastes so authentic could be the fact that it's sold fresh, not dried. The brand's products are refrigerated and only take two minutes to cook, bringing you the flavor of freshly-made pasta without the extra work (or gluten).

Taste Republic offers a much-needed variety of gluten-free pasta

People who try Taste Republic's pasta are impressed by its texture as much as the flavor. Customers report that the pasta holds up very well in a variety of dishes, which is often a missing feature in gluten-free pastas. You can use it to make our hazelnut cream pasta — the noodles will soak up the flavor of the sauce, acting as a neutral flavor vehicle, just like regular pasta does. One customer was initially worried this pasta would fall apart in a pasta salad, but it actually kept its texture and made for a delicious meal. So, the next time you're craving Caesar chicken pasta salad, you know which brand to pair it with.

It's fair to say that gluten-free pasta usually doesn't come with much variety, at least not the kind that could match their glutenous cousins. This is another area where Taste Republic stands out, as it offers an impressive lineup of gluten-free pasta products that cater to people with different dietary restrictions, not just the celiac folks. The company offers vegan, grain-free, paleo, and even Kosher gluten-free pasta, living up to its motto that "everyone deserves to eat good pasta."