The Dunkin' Drink You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

As the saying goes, the world runs on Dunkin' — but if you're someone who believes in astrology, it also runs on your zodiac. The American Federation of Astrologers (via Scientific American) estimates that roughly 70 million people in the U.S. check their horoscope every day. But data from the National Coffee Association also shows that about 38% of Americans start their day with a cup of coffee (or two). Imagine how good your morning would be if you could, then, kick off your day with the Dunkin' coffee drink you are based on your zodiac sign? Nothing and no one would be able to stop you — that is, unless Mercury's in retrograde, of course.

From the seasonal specialties to the year-round go-tos, Dunkin' has a lot to offer on its menu. So, whether you're an extroverted Gemini seeking something to fuel your schedules while running from one social commitment to the next, or a more low-key Cancer stopping by a for an herbal tea on your way home, there's a Dunkin' drink for every sign and situation. 

Enjoy it in the car while running through your to-do list of errands (Virgos, we're talking about you), or take a sip between business meetings (we see you, Capricorns). No matter what it is, your zodiac sign's Dunkin' drink will always hit the spot.


Being the first sign on the zodiac calendar, Aries have an almost uncanny way of turning everything into a competition — including the Dunkin' drink they'd be. Obviously, being fire signs, the Aries are also incredibly passionate people. But it also means that they tend to have a bit of a short fuse. This sign is naturally hot-headed and fiery, and the Aries have been known to throw a temper tantrum or two when things don't go their way. So, with that in mind, it only makes sense for this sign's Dunkin' drink to be the iced coffee that the Tasting Table taste testers ranked the best: the Caramel Craze iced signature latte.

Dunkin's the place to go when you want a sweet coffee drink, and this drink delivers, with a flavor combination of toasted sugar, vanilla, and brown butter that complements the espresso in it perfectly. But it's the cinnamon sugar sprinkle on top of the whipped cream that really seals the deal. That light dusting ensures that every sip you take comes through with just a bit of cinnamon heat — something those with this fiery sign should appreciate. 

Just beware of the post-sugar-rush crash. And perhaps be sure to steer clear of any Aries when it hits.


As you read on, you might notice that the signs that follow one another on the zodiac calendar don't have much in common — and it couldn't be more true as it pertains to the Aries and the Taurus. While the Aries sign is fiery and temperamental, the Taurus couldn't be more chill. Folks who have this sign are exactly the kind of grounded and level-headed friends that everyone needs in their lives, with an energy that instantaneously brings everyone around them back down to earth. 

Additionally, while the Aries is competitive and erratic, the Taurus is reliable and relaxed. In fact, if they had it their way, everyday would be a spa day. Part of the reason why the Taurus are so relaxed is because they simply prioritize their self-care time. Be it a relaxing bath or a scented candle, this sign finds a way to slow down and lay back — even if it's just for a short moment. 

Knowing that, it's only right that the Dunkin' drink the Taurus would be represented by is one that can give them just that. Refreshing, rejuvenating, and one of the best caffeine-free drinks on the Dunkin' menu, we're talking about the hot hibiscus kiss tea. Filled with antioxidants and packed with a fruity, somewhat floral flavor, hibiscus tea is right up this sign's alley.


They might not be everyone's favorite zodiac sign, but you can't deny that the Gemini are entertaining. From Donald Trump to Kanye West, Geminis typically don't shy away from controversies. For better or for worse, they're going tell you what's on their mind — no matter who might be in the room with them. It also doesn't help that they tend to be notorious gossips. Indeed, the problem that some people might have with the Gemini is that they never know what they're telling people when they're not in the room. Represented by twins, then — which is sometimes depicted by an image of two masks — Geminis are often associated with being two-faced.

Whether these allegations are true or not, the Gemini need a Dunkin' drink that's as dynamic as they are — which is why they'd be a Coolatta. Not just any Coolatta, however — rather, a half-vanilla and half-strawberry Coolatta. Also known as the strawberry shortcake Coolatta, this drink is representative of the Gemini's dual-sided nature, with the fruity flavors of strawberry mixed with the warm, deep flavors of vanilla (similarly to Dunkin's popular orange creamsicle Coolatta flavor). The icy texture is only indicative of the Gemini's emotionally detached demeanor. 

The strawberry shortcake Coolatta is also considered a secret menu item. Although perhaps nothing these signs know about could ever be truly considered a secret.


Cancers and Geminis are yet another example of how different neighboring zodiac signs can be. While the Gemini might be criticized for being shallow and distant, Cancers are known for being loyal and devoted. They're exactly the kind of ride-or-die friends that everyone deserves — but perhaps only to an extent. Cancers are so empathetic and emotional that it doesn't only get the best of them on occasion, but also the people that they love the most. Indeed, folks with this sign might be accused of being clingy and manipulative, and they often end up disappointed because they expect others to give as much as they do.

Cancers can also be difficult people to get to know because they put up walls. So, they tend to be shy and introverted at first — which is just another characteristic these signs have opposite to the Gemini. Cancers prefer to stay at home, with the people they know, cozy inside of their comfortable, crab shells. That's why, if they were any Dunkin' drink, they'd be one that's as comfy as cozy as can be: the hot chocolate. While it's normally made from hot cocoa mix and hot water, there are ways to amp it up.

Just like the Cancer, you have to work to get the most out of Dunkin's hot cocoa. Ask for it to be made from a type of milk rather than water, and then add something like brownie or mocha flavoring for the ultimate cozy experience.


Born between July and August, Leo season occurs right at the peak of summer. That's good, because, being ruled by the sun, they're naturally in their element when it's shining on them — although a spotlight will also suffice. Leos tend to think that they're a celebrity deep down, after all, and while they may have been guilty of assuming the world revolves around them, there is just something about this sign that makes them impossible to ignore. Call it a star quality or a need for attention, but if Leos were any Dunkin' drink, they'd have to be one that's as summer-coded as they are: the blueberry cold brew.

Just like the way that Leos are the zodiac signs of the summer, blueberry syrup is the coffee syrup of this hot season — and Dunkin' has a lot to do with making that happen. While it might be true that caramel and chocolate flavors tend to be more popular pairings with this caffeinated drink, berry is a flavor that's naturally present in coffee beans — and so, in true Leo fashion, it only makes your coffee drinks pop more. 

This drink is made from Dunkin's cold brew and blueberry syrup, with the option to add cream and additional vanilla syrup for more sweetness. Fruity and just ever-so-slightly tart, blueberry cold brew is to summer what pumpkin spice lattes are to fall. 


Anyone who knows a Virgo is likely grateful for it. Whether big or small, these signs are basically always willing to lend help to those who need a hand — and if it means that they'll get to cross one more thing off of their daily to-do list, they'll be all for it. While their type A tendencies might come across as a bit overbearing (do we really need to have an Excel sheet for the group trip?), Virgos are the kind of friends who ensure the plans actually make it out of the group chat. But in order to be as proficient throughout the day as these signs prefer to be, they're probably going to need some serious caffeine. Therefore, the Virgo would be a Dunkin' SPARK'D Energy drink.

Coming in flavors like peach sunshine and berry burst, Dunkin's SPARK'D Energy lineup delivers 144 milligrams of caffeine per serving from an Amazonian plant known as guarana — the same extract used in the controversial Charged lemonades from Panera. While Virgos should proceed with caution, these drinks are likely to provide exactly what they need to get the most productivity out of their day. 

Along with a good serving of caffeine, the fizzy, fruity energy drinks also provide important vitamins and minerals, which should be enough to satisfy these health-minded zodiacs. Just as long as they don't go overboard, of course. 


Most people know the Libra for their exquisite tastes. But they're a lot deeper than that. Represented by the scale, the harmony these signs tend to seek in their physical surroundings extends to every part of their life, both personal and professional. Libras make talented designers and decorators — and yes, they care a lot about the way things look. However, they care just as much about building balanced relationships, too. Folks with this sign are at their best with a partner by their side — one that balances them perfectly, the Ying to their Yang. And so, as a Dunkin' drink, the Libra would have to be one that's balanced inside and out.

The chain's coffee itself might not be the highest quality out there, but everybody knows that Dunkin' is the place to go when you want a sugary drink. While a lot of the drinks on the menu tend to go overboard on that, there is one that comes across much more refined than the rest. Naturally, that's the Dunkin' drink that the Libra would be — making these signs none other than the cold brew with salted caramel cold foam. 

Unfortunately, the salted caramel cold brew isn't currently available, but it has returned to Dunkin's menu in the past, so we're hoping it'll come back. Indeed, as one of the best iced coffee drinks at Dunkin', the salted caramel gives this drink a necessary depth of flavor without bordering on too sweet. In doing so, this drink strikes the perfect balance of flavors, fitting in nicely with the Libra's distinguished tastes.


You might think you know a Scorpio, but do you really? These signs are famous for their mysterious allure. While most of the things others might consider to be scary only seem to intrigue them, the Scorpio's one true fear is being vulnerable. As such, Scorpios do a good job of making light of certain aspects of themselves while leaving other parts in the dark. These signs aren't liars, per se, but they certainly aren't open books. It's the mystery of what lies underneath their surface that keeps people coming back. Most things look better in the dark, after all — and if you're someone who prefers your coffee black, you'd have to agree. As a Dunkin' drink, then, the Scorpio would be the best one to drink black: the cold brew. 

Compared to its traditional iced coffee, Dunkin's cold brew is significantly less acidic, making it surprisingly smooth tasting and easy to drink. Despite being a drink known for its intimidating caffeine content, Dunkin's cold brew contains less of it than its regular coffee. But it's also fitting in the sense that it's surprisingly easy to drink black. Many people will find that they'll have the same experience with Scorpios, eventually finding that they're much less intimidating than they initially come off.


If the Sagittarius has an opinion about you, you better believe they're going to let you know it. These signs have a reputation for being brutally honest — but luckily for them, their positive attitudes make them impossible to stay mad at. It's exactly this optimism that lends into the Sagittarius' reputation as the adventurers of the zodiac, as they tend to see every opportunity as a chance to learn and grow. Whether things turn out how they expected them to cannot be certain, but they're most likely still going to take something positive away from it. It's something all of us could likely work on, and it's why the Dunkin' drink they'd be is as refreshing as these signs are to be around: a Dunkin' Refresher.

It's almost too obvious, but it's all in the name. In flavors like mango pineapple and strawberry dragonfruit, Dunkin' brings new Refresher flavors to its summer menu every year for a good reason — they're refreshing. On a long, hot, and hard day, these are the drinks to grab. With just a sip, it'll feel like all of your worries wash away. Plus, these drinks are packed with the vitamins and fruity hydration your body craves. 

So, even if it is the dead of summer, and your car's AC just went out, you'll be able to see the silver lining with a Dunkin' Refresher in hand. Just like any Sagittarius would.


The Capricorn have an almost magical ability to age backwards — mentally, of course. In so, their younger years tend to be spent doing the thing that most young people dread: working. While some people might have a live-fast-and-die-young sort of approach to life, Capricorns are almost the opposite. These signs prefer to work hard now so they can play hard later. It's partially why they're known as the "workaholics" of the zodiac, which makes sense. Goal-oriented and resilient, all signs point to these sea goats being born to climb — on land and off. But to get as high as they're going, they're going to need some serious caffeine.

If the Capricorn were any drink on the Dunkin' menu, they'd be one that supports their unmatched work ethic: an iced coffee. Interestingly enough, Dunkin's iced coffee has the highest amount of caffeine than any item on the menu — and that includes the cold brew and hot drip. With 198 milligrams in a small cup alone, and nearly 400 milligrams in a large, Dunkin's iced coffee gets straight to the point — just like how Capricorns like it. There are no distractions such as swirl syrups or whipped creams, just pure black iced coffee. 

Plus, with that much caffeine, Capricorns will be sure to meet all of the goals they set out to achieve. Although, they'd likely have done it anyway.


There's something about the Aquarius that is just different. These signs are never afraid to stand apart from the crowd — in fact, they prefer it. As the humanitarians of the zodiac, the Aquarius value their individuality above all else. Folks with this sign make it a point to avoid falling into any sort of social groupings or herd mentalities — just take their name, for example. Despite the fact that it includes the word "aqua," the Aquarius are actually air signs. It's perhaps just one example of how far they will go to not be put into a box.

Individuality isn't only a characteristic these signs value within themselves, but also the people they surround themselves with. The Aquarius essentially despise anything considered mainstream, and they tend to be attracted to those who are fellow nonconformists. So, if they were any drink from Dunkin', they couldn't be one you'd find on the regular menu — it's secret menu only for Aquariuses. And considering that they're such trendsetters, this drink would also have to be the very best. According to Tasting Table's Dunkin' secret menu ranking, that'd make the Aquarius the snickerdoodle frozen coffee.

Made from a cream-based frozen coffee with pumps of caramel, vanilla, and hazelnut, plus a topping of whipped cream and cinnamon sugar, the snickerdoodle frozen coffee is unlike anything else on the Dunkin' menu. But, of course, you won't even find it on there — just how these signs would prefer it. 


Represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces are known for being easily distracted. Most of that can be attributed to the fact that their attention spans tend to be pretty split in the first place — which only goes back to the fish reference, symbolizing the division of awareness between fantasy and reality. It's like folks with this zodiac sign have entire universes inside of their heads, as a lot of their days are spent daydreaming. Don't be surprised if you have to repeat yourself to a Pisces, or if you say something and they flat out just don't respond, because these signs are simply in their own worlds. Fittingly, so is the Dunkin' drink that they'd be: the Cosmic Coolatta. 

This galaxy-inspired drink is a popular seasonal item that usually pops up early in the summer. While the flavors often change, with the chain releasing a new one every year, Dunkin' customers have seen everything from Cosmic grape, strawberry, and pineapple to cotton candy. Cosmic Coolattas are usually topped with a layer of blue raspberry syrup, which creates a colorful gradient effect similar to that of a starry galaxy. 

Similarly to the Pisces' minds, these Dunkin' drinks are like entire universes. It just happens to be in a cup.