The Reason There Are No GMOs In Trader Joe's Products

Trader Joe's is not your typical grocery store, and that is entirely by design. The company takes great pride in breaking the "rules" that other grocery chains uphold day-to-day. The stores are smaller — like an upscale farmer's market — with compact aisles, doorless freezers, and extra-friendly staff. The parking lots are smaller, too, which can make parking at Trader Joe's tricky, but reduce the amount of property the company needs to buy per location. These features make the grocery chain feel more expensive than it is, creating a more private and exclusive feeling shopping experience. Trader Joe's is also known for its dedication to its loyal customers, and prioritizing their demands to create a better shopping experience. One such consumer demand that Trader Joe's still prioritizes today is the removal of all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from its private-label products.

Back in 2001, the company analyzed that consumers prefer non-GMO products when given the option. Since then, all of its store-brand products have been free of any genetically modified or engineered ingredients. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule, however. Third-party products in-store could contain GMOs, as well as any animal products, such as meats, fish, and dairy. Interestingly, Trader Joe's doesn't explicitly label its products as non-GMO on the packaging. This is because unlike the term "organic", there is no set governmental requirement to label non-GMO products. Instead, the company believes that its strict stance against GMOs speaks for itself.

Trader Joe's sets strict standards to ensure its products are non-GMO

Trader Joe's doesn't mess around when it comes to ensuring its private-label products are free from GMOs. There's a common misconception that store-brand products are made by the grocery store itself, but this is usually untrue. Behind almost all privately-labeled products at Trader Joe's, there are third-party companies creating its products, such as its extensive list of snacks. When selecting suppliers for its store brand products, Trader Joe's requires the suppliers to have research and documentation that all ingredients are free of genetically modified organisms. This includes affidavits, third-party testing for GMOs, and identity-preserved certification of all seed stocks. Not only this, but Trader Joe's will randomly conduct audits on products they suspect could contain GMOs.

Trader Joe's argues that GMOs create new genes and traits that are unnatural and unlike anything found in nature. This sentiment is shared by those who are against GMOs, as many people feel uncomfortable with eating plants containing non-original DNA. Those against GMOs are also concerned about having allergic reactions to GMOs, as they worry that modified DNA could contain potential allergens. There are also worries about cancer after eating GMOs, but this claim has been found to be unsubstantiated. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that products containing GMOs are just as safe to eat as those without them. In fact, some GMO plants even have improved nutrition, like a soybean that has good-for-you oils being used to replace those with trans fat.