Bananas Are A Must-Have For Your Next Batch Of S'mores

Whatever desserts you've already had, there's always room for a little s'more — or a lot! Besides being an ooey-gooey treat that can't be beaten, the greatest thing about s'mores truly has to be the many ways you can customize the format and flavors with luxury ingredients that take your food to the next level. Whether you've got a chronic sweet tooth or are looking for a more health-conscious option, there's a s'more to fit your own personal style. Introducing bananas into the mix is an excellent way to take an already good sweet and make it even better.

There are myriad banana recipes to sweeten up your life, but the most fun application has got to be including them in a decadent dessert. With so many options to add bananas to your next batch of s'mores, ranging from nutrient-rich and sugar-conscious to outright over-the-top sweetness, any way you choose to do it is sure to amp up the fruit flavor and enrich the overall texture.

For a twist on the traditional s'more, top your chocolate bar or marshmallows with banana slices, or use chocolate-covered banana pieces for a two-in-one ingredient addition. For even more fun, try using banana-flavored marshmallows. But the fund doesn't have to end there. There are also plenty of other off-the-beaten-path methods for making your next batch of s'mores a banana-filled bit of fun.

Other tasty s'mores and banana dishes

Banana-filled s'mores are a fun rift on the classic. This easy campfire dessert can be made by cutting a small pocket from the center of an unpeeled banana and loading it up with marshmallows, chocolates, and graham cracker bits before wrapping it in foil and roasting over the fire. This extra melty treat is simple and satisfying while also using fresh, healthy fruit. 

For a less traditional iteration of the s'mores sandwich, use bananas as a creative topping for s'mores nachos. With graham crackers as your "chips" and all the gooey marshmallow fluff, chocolate sauce, and banana pieces and toppings as you wish, you can turn a single-serving handheld into a large-scale dessert worthy of sharing amongst a group.

For a more nutrient-rich option, use banana frozen yogurt or sorbet and top a scoop or two with marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. However you decide to dress up your s'mores, you'll definitely go bananas for this unforgettable dessert.