The Popular Cocktail Garnish You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

No cocktail is complete without its associated cocktail garnish. Even if it pricks you on the nose with every sip, at least you're getting that herby whiff to compliment whatever's in your glass. Of course, whether it's a Tajín rim on your spicy margarita or the twisted orange peel in your carajillo, cocktail garnishes are about much more than looking good. As a matter of fashion and function, garnishes bring everything from floral elegance to woody sophistication to your drinks — and some even stand alone as a toothpick-sized snack to enjoy when you're finished.


In the wide world of popular cocktail garnishes, there's an adornment perfectly suited for every drink, person, and, of course, zodiac. Whether a spice, peel, or sprig, every cocktail garnish has its own pros and cons, as well as the ability to bring something unique to the overall drinking experience. And just as every zodiac sign has its associated cocktail, each sign also has their associated cocktail garnish. Keep reading to discover which popular cocktail garnish you are based on your zodiac sign, and how you might be able to use it in your next cocktail at home.

Tajín rim – Aries

Aries start the zodiac calendar off on a fiery note — literally. As the first of the fire signs, it is said that Aries are extra feisty. Knowing that, it's really not surprising that the Aries is known, first and foremost, for being hot-headed and competitive. While they can be lovely people to be around, much of that seems to get overshadowed by their sheer spiciness. For that reason, the cocktail garnish they'd be is a Tajín rim, as it brings the same kind of heat.


Perhaps this is too obvious. But it's also no secret that if Aries were any cocktail on the menu, they'd be a spicy one. Of course, whether it's a super-garnished michelada or a spicy margarita, a Tajín rim takes any spicy drink to the next level. While an added jalapeño slice may seem like a given, a Tajín rim is the ideal way to give a spicy cocktail that extra kick.

So next time you whip up a batch of spicy margs, get out your Tajín, and wet the rims with a lemon wedge. Then dip each glass into a saucer of the spice blend before serving for something a touch spicier than you're used to. Since it's evenly coated around the edge of the glass, this garnish ensures that spice hits your taste buds first.


Rosemary sprig – Taurus

Most people know Taurus to be the exact opposite of Aries, in that they come across very calm and grounded. These signs know exactly what to say to put things into perspective and bring you back down to Earth. However, if you don't know a Taurus personally, you may have heard that they're stubborn – and that you have better odds of moving a 300-pound horned sheep than a Taurus (which is represented by the ram). Given all that, the cocktail garnish this sign would be is as stubborn as they are, yet fills your nose with a relaxing, herby, and earthy aroma: the infamous rosemary sprig.


A rosemary sprig might be prickly — and it might get in the way every time you go to take a sip of your smoked old fashioned. But the depth this popular garnish gives your gin fizz is enough to induce a deep meditation. Simply put, the pros definitely outweigh the cons — and that goes for the Taurus, too. While it can be a bit frustrating, the Taurus's stubbornness goes hand in hand with how much they value reliability and consistency — two attributes that make them the dependable and level-headed friends we need.

Cilantro – Gemini

Even if you don't consider yourself an astrology expert, you likely know about Geminis. These signs are the talk (and talkers) of the town, both within the zodiac community and out. While they're guilty of being gossips themselves, there's also a rumor about them that's spread like wildfire, and it's not great. Given they're represented by twins (which is sometimes depicted by two masks), these signs have gained the unfortunate association with being two-faced. Some people have renounced Geminis for good because of this, a trait they share in common with the cocktail garnish they would be in cilantro.


Now, if you haven't heard, there's been a great debate about cilantro for some time that's led to it being gravely misunderstood. Some people despise it, and think it tastes like soap, while others appreciate the lemony, peppery flavor it brings to their favorite foods. As it turns out, though, none of this is the actual herb's fault, and your genetics actually have a lot to do with the way cilantro tastes to you. In that sense, just like the Gemini, cilantro simply might not be the herb for you. It will, however, taste lovely muddled into your homemade cocktail, so consider this garnish if you're a cilantro fan.

Cocktail cherries – Cancer

Nobody's more nostalgic than a Cancer – and these celestial crabs know it. While it can prove to be challenging to break through their thick shells, Cancers are real softies on the inside. In fact, you won't know a friend more understanding and loyal. These signs are the true, ride-or-die type. They value history and time, genuinely care for others, and put a lot of effort into understanding themselves, too. Where they tend to get caught up, however, is in expecting the same amount of empathy and emotional depth from others — meaning they'd be maraschino cherries as a cocktail garnish.


Being loyal, passionate, empathetic, and understanding, you can likely see why Cancers tend to be easily disappointed by their relationships with others. It can feel impossible to find someone who is capable and comfortable with matching their emotional literacy, and when they don't, the Cancer has a sneaky way of using their own skills to manipulate them into doing so. It's almost like they're too sweet for their own good — just like cocktail cherries.

Not to be confused with luxardo cherries, the bright red (and coated in a synthetic, sugary goo) maraschino cocktail cherry is an indispensable garnish in mai tais, old fashioneds, amaretto sours, as well as the all-time classic Shirley Temple. Their intense sweetness is the cherry on top of every sugary cocktail drink, creating the perfect recipe for a cherry-induced hangover. Like the Cancer, it'll be sweet ... until it isn't.


Citrus wedge – Leo

Leos are ruled by the sun, which could explain why they think they're the center of the universe. Flamboyant and theatrical, with a love for the finer things, Leos are anything but shy. In fact, they live for the attention. Deep down, every Leo thinks they're a celebrity — and they prefer to live like one. Leos are always at fancy dinners and parties, taking any excuse to dress up and have their picture taken. You'll certainly get a rundown of the night on their Instagram stories, and may even see them holding a cocktail with the exact garnish they'd be on it.


The cocktail garnish that the Leo would be — a citrus wedge — frequents just as many parties as they do. It also brings a fittingly bright, citrusy edge to every drink you add it, be it a lemon drop, mojito, or one of the other 20 best citrus cocktails. From grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, and more, there's no doubt the popular cocktail garnish a Leo would be is a citrus wedge.

Cut into spears and placed fittingly on the edge of your glass, a citrus wedge adds a colorful fashion statement to your cup. Additionally, it provides all the acidity needed to cut through and take the attention away from the alcohol. Now, if that's only something a Leo could pull that off.

Veggie spiral – Virgo

Being the most productive of all the zodiacs, it's quite surprising the extent to which Virgos are also perfectionists. It's impressive not only how many things they're able to get done, but the quality in which they're able to execute them. Obviously, their perfectionist tendencies can get the best of them at times. But these signs still manage thanks to their type A attitudes and superb organizational skills. In the end, these signs end up with much more positives than negatives, including the fact that they're naturally prone to developing healthy habits. As a result, they'd be a rather healthy cocktail garnish, too.


From their morning spin class to their afternoon salads, Virgos see healthy choices like any other task they complete throughout their day: as a step or contribution to something much bigger. With this in mind, if this sign were any cocktail garnish in particular, they'd be a classic veggie or fruit spiral, since it mirrors their health-centric mindset.

From a spiralized cucumber in your spritz to a twisted orange peel in your carajillo, spiralized fruits, peels, and veggies are a natural addition to any and all of your favorite cocktails. Plus, they can help you double up on your produce servings throughout the day, which is what I call being productive.

Edible flowers – Libra

Libras are all about looking good. These signs are famous for their talents in design and curation, going back to their passion for symmetry and balance. Interestingly, these signs are the only ones represented by an object, rather than an animal or person. The scale represents their special eye for harmony, which is reflected in their career pursuits. However, what most people don't know is that passion goes much further than skin deep. Even so, the Libra's appreciation for beauty means they could be just about any cocktail garnish — it's what they're there for, after all.


Of course, to fit in with this sign's perceived vanity, Libras would be a cocktail garnish that doesn't necessarily serve any other function aside from looking pretty: edible flowers. Yes, they're edible. Yes, you might even eat them. But as it pertains to the cocktail itself, edible flowers are mostly there for visual appeal rather than anything functional. 

From dainty purple asters, spiky bee balms, tiny bluets, calendulas, and carnations (among many), there is a wide variety of edible flowers that can lend their natural beauty to your drinks. Pop one in your elderflower, Hugo spritz, or any other floral cocktail to create harmony between how it tastes and how it looks.

Shaved chocolate – Scorpio

Scorpios are mysterious to most — and they like it that way. Much like the scorpions that represent them, these signs seem to prefer the dark. Not only does it provide the perfect cover for a sneak attack, but it also allows them the necessary camouflage for hiding their well-kept secrets (which, given their association with danger, will almost always be juicy). In fact, as masters of secrecy, very few get to experience the true depth that these signs withhold. Something about Scorpios always leaves you wanting more, which is also true of the popular cocktail garnish they would be.


Given they're deep, dark, and enticing, Scorpios would be shaved chocolate. These signs possess a persona that makes them simultaneously intimidating and alluring, after all, which isn't unlike chocolate shavings on top of your mixed drink (and is pretty fitting for these notorious night owls). From espresso martinis to golden Cadillacs, every type of chocolate cocktail could use a chocolate shavings garnish for that extra bit of seduction. All it takes is a pinch, and just like these signs, everyone will soon be wanting a taste.

Cinnamon stick – Sagittarius

There's no sign like the Sagittarius. These signs are known for being eternal optimists (almost infectiously so). They have a wild, free-spirited nature to them that's both exciting and alarming. This leads them to ventures that most wouldn't ever consider because they either think it's impossible, or it hasn't been done before. This means Sagittariuses are considered the adventurers of the zodiac, traveling far and wide on a constant quest for life knowledge. They're difficult people to dislike despite their habitual bluntness and over-honesty, and the cocktail garnish they'd be should reflect that.


Actually, the cocktail garnish that the Sagittarius would be has a lot to do with the season in which they're born. Since they're born between late November and December, the cocktail garnish they'd be is one that's imperative to all of your holiday drinks: the cinnamon stick. From olds fashioneds to negronis to spiked apple cider to boozy hot chocolate, every drink becomes a bit jollier when a stick of cinnamon is added to the mix. There's really no better way to get you into the holiday spirit — not that these signs are likely to need any help with that.

Savory skewer – Capricorn

Who runs the world? Capricorns. These signs have a work ethic that is simply unmatched. With an unbudging resilience, relentless focus, and a go-getting, goal-setting attitude, it's no wonder they're often called workaholics. They're also represented by something called a sea goat, a mythical creature that's half goat, half fish — meaning they can climb mountains on or off land. Capricorns simply know where they want to go, and they're not stopping for anybody. There won't be any bathroom breaks or rest stops, either, though they might make time for a cocktail.


Now, considering how hard Capricorns work, they won't just need a drink, but some fuel to go along with it. So, if they were any popular cocktail garnish, they'd be one that doubles as a snack. Be it a skewered olive, bacon, shrimp, or even a steak garnish, savory skewers are a common topping on many popular cocktails. You may not think of a savory skewer right away, but you also might not realize Capricorns tend to be the life of the party on their rare nights off.

Everybody needs to let loose sometimes — these signs especially. Consequently, Capricorns would be a savory skewer as a cocktail garnish, providing these signs with just enough fuel to climb the next mountain.

Cereal – Aquarius

As the humanitarians of the zodiac, Aquariuses are always thinking of ways to better the world. They easily grow bored of small talk and would rather be discussing their plans and how to bring them into action. It's for this exact reason that, despite being one of the air signs, they don't usually enjoy group gatherings. In fact, one of the things these signs value the most is their individuality, which is made clear through their sense of fashion and opinions. Anything considered mainstream is, honestly, the least of their interest. Hence, if they were any cocktail garnish, they'd be one of the most unique: cereal.


The Aquarius could realistically be any number of unique cocktail garnishes from bars around the U.S. But given it's more outlandish than the rest, cereal is just a bit more fitting. This could be a drink made with bourbon, cognac, chicory, and cream, for instance, that's garnished with Cocoa Puffs (a cocktail previously sold by the Four Seasons Hotel in Atlanta). Of course, as far as cocktail garnishes go, cereal is an entirely new frontier. However, it can be executed with any one of your favorites — be it a Cocoa Puff white Russian or a Captain Crunch milk punch.

Colorful sugar rim – Pisces

Pisces tend to adopt the characteristics of whoever they're around, giving them the unique ability to connect with just about anyone. But where no other sign can even begin to relate to them is just how vast their imaginations are. It's the reason why Pisces are represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions (and also the reason why they're so easily distracted). If there's one garnish that's as colorful as their imaginations, and therefore provides them all the shades and hues to fully express themselves, it's colorful sugar.


Pisces are always operating within two realms: reality and fantasy. While that means they spend half their time daydreaming, it also means they're incredibly creative. In fact, Pisces are at their best when they're able to bring their imaginations to life, which is almost always through some kind of creative pursuit. Since some might argue garnishing a drink is itself an art, it makes sense why Pisces would be a colored sugar rim if they were a cocktail garnish.

With a bit of food coloring, a plain sugar rim can be turned from purple to pink to black to orange. In short, this cocktail garnish offers these signs a rainbow of ways to express their creativity.

