21 Crumbl Cookie Flavors We Desperately Need Year-Round

If you're fortunate enough to be local to a Crumbl Cookies location, we bet you've tried the national chain's massive cookies at least once or twice. Ever since releasing Crumbl's first specialty flavor — milk chocolate chip — the cookie company has continued to release fresh flavors every week: It has come out with over 120 flavors since opening its doors in 2017. We think the constant cookie variety is a great thing for the most part, but we have to admit that it's disappointing to have a stellar cookie one week, only to have it be gone the next; or, even worse, sent to the Crumbl cookie graveyard for good.

While Crumbl still releases a chocolate chip cookie every week (oscillating between semi-sweet chocolate chunk and milk chocolate chip), the other five flavors are up to execs to decide weekly. This leaves many fans (ourselves included) waiting with bated breath for the new menu released every Sunday, wondering if one of our all-time favorites will make the cut. We like that the ever-changing flavors keep us on our toes; nevertheless, there are quite a few Crumbl cookies that we wish were available year-round.

Pink sugar cookie

Longtime consumers of Crumbl Cookies remember the brand's iconic pink sugar cookies. The cookie was a simple classic, self-described by the company as "a vanilla sugar cookie topped with a perfect pink swoop of real almond frosting." Once a weekly item, pink sugar was removed from the weekly menu in 2022 to make room for more weekly flavors. Though we understand the impetus behind taking the sugar cookie off the weekly menu, that won't stop us from wishing we could still get it any day of the week.

As it turns out, we aren't the only ones sad about lacking a weekly pink sugar cookie; one Reddit user even called the cookie's removal "blasphemy." Crumbl does periodically bring back the pink sugar cookie, with the disclaimer that it's changed the recipe to add real almond extract. Some customers claim that the company may have changed more than simply adding extract, though, noting the cookies now taste vastly different.

Churro cookie

Crumbl's churro cookie is a cinnamon sugar lover's dream. Crumbl held nothing back in formulating this churro-esque creation, and every aspect of the cookie is imbued with cinnamon sugar, from the cookie base to the buttercream to even a dusting of cinnamon sugar on top. The biggest complaint we've found about the cookie is that it — like many of Crumbl's offerings — is incredibly sweet, a potential turn-off if you're super sugar averse.

The cookie is undeniably delicious, but don't expect a churro texture when you bite into it. Rather, this treat is basically just a snickerdoodle cookie with an ample amount of cinnamon frosting. Regardless, as huge fans of cinnamon sugar, we wish this cookie was available every week.

Caramel apple cookie

A popular autumnal release, Crumbl's caramel apple cookie has sent many fans swooning, begging the company to offer this treat outside of its typical season. The cinnamon apple cookie base is complete with caramel cream cheese frosting, caramel sauce, streusel, and Granny Smith apple pieces. The textural contrast presented in the cookie is nothing short of divine, with the crisp, tart apples and crumbly streusel providing a nice balance to the soft, sweet cookie and frosting elements. 

Crumbl customers can't help but rave about this cookie on social media, with Instagram commenters calling it "top tier" and "the best cookie ever made." The Reddit consensus of the caramel apple cookie seems to be unanimously positive, with some users even recommending that customers purchase a four-pack of the cookie (and, we might add, freeze some) since it doesn't come around that often. 

Lemon glaze cookie

If you're a fan of all things lemon, you've probably already jumped at the chance to try Crumbl's lemon glaze cookie. The biggest thing we appreciate about this cookie — which features a lemon glaze along with a fresh slice of the citrus fruit — is that it isn't topped with the ultra-thick layer of frosting that frequently accompanies Crumbl's cookies. Rather, the thin glaze lets the lemon's tartness shine through. Other consumers have also loved the lemon glaze cookie. One Reddit user wrote, "Lemon glaze is top tier for me because I love the flavor-texture combo." 

The one drawback, however, seems to be that lemon slice on top. The Pastry Chef's Baking blogger, for example, felt it added a slightly off-putting and unpleasantly soggy element.

Mom's recipe cookie

The combination of oats, semi-sweet chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, toffee, and sea salt in Crumbl's mom's recipe cookie make it a sweet and savory delight that stands in stark contrast to some of Crumbl's much more sugar-forward cookies. This cookie also lacks frosting, which makes it feel more like a rich indulgence than an instant sugar rush.

Crumbl cookie fans have made strong endorsements for this treat, with Instagram users all over the comments section when Crumbl posts about the mom's recipe cookie, begging the company to bring it back soon. Crumbl seems to release this cookie around National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day and (naturally) Mother's Day, so check in then to see if you can snag it.

Waffle cookie

First things first: We'd be remiss not to mention that Crumbl's waffle cookie has the internet divided. Critiques of the cookie seem to vary based on expectation. If you're expecting a light, fluffy, waffle-esque texture, you'll probably be disappointed. On the other hand, if you're expecting a cookie-fied version of a waffle with accoutrements to match, there's a good chance you'll like the waffle cookie. 

To maximize your chances of enjoying this treat, we recommend warming it up first. If you have quality maple syrup at home, consider drizzling that on top instead of the syrup Crumbl provides. You can also replace the dollop of buttercream frosting on top with a bit of whipped butter to better mimic a waffle. 

Key lime pie cookie

Since Crumbl's started adding non-cookie desserts to its lineup, there's an actual Key lime pie that occasionally makes the menu. Before the company ventured into more desserts, though, the closest we'd get was this equally delicious Key lime pie cookie. Indeed, Crumbl turned this classic pie into cookie form with a yummy graham cracker cookie, key lime filling, whipped cream, and graham cracker crumbs — and we must say, it hits the spot.

The cookie has since received high acclaim, with multiple Reddit users raving over it as either their favorite Crumbl cookie or one that's landed in their top five favorite flavors. This is another cookie you'll want to take advantage of when it makes it back to the menu; so, make sure to stock up and freeze some for later. 

Pumpkin roll cookie

Another fall release that we wish was available year-round is Crumbl's pumpkin roll cookie. Though it may be more aptly described as cake due to its fairly fluffy texture, the cinnamon streusel topping and cream cheese frosting are the icing on the cake (pun intended) of a delicious cookie, especially for pumpkin lovers. 

While some customers don't love the airiness of the cookie, saying they would have appreciated a cookie with a denser texture, one Reddit user who's considered themselves not to be a huge pumpkin fan has even endorsed the rolls, expressing zero regret for the two they ordered. The tangy cream cheese icing provides a nice balance to the sweet (but not too sweet) pumpkin cookie base, and the streusel topping adds a textural element that's to die for.

Raspberry cheesecake cookie

If you haven't had the chance yet to have Crumbl's raspberry cheesecake cookie, we're sorry you've been deprived. Though the chain has since released an actual raspberry cheesecake, the cookie version still holds a special place in our hearts. Crumbl takes pride in what it's called a "thick, triple-layer jamboree" of a cookie, which includes a graham cracker base, vanilla cheesecake frosting, and raspberry jam. 

This is another cookie that features a well-balanced flavor profile and refrains from being too sweet in any of its elements. Fans especially like the raspberry jam on top, with one noting on Reddit that it helps give the cookie "the perfect mixture of sweet & tart." To get maximum enjoyment out of this treat, we recommend sticking it in the fridge for a few hours before eating to let the flavors meld together.

Dulce de leche cookie

Crumbl's dulce de leche cookie is a rich, caramel-esque delight that's had more than one customer wanting to go back for more. To create this cookie concoction, Crumbl paired a cinnamon cookie with a creamy dulce de leche topping (made by cooking milk and sugar together), plus a dollop of swirled frosting to top it off.

Some customers say that this cookie, which is served chilled, may be more enjoyable if you let it come to room temperature before eating. One Reddit user has high praise for the cookie, mentioning that the textures are also particularly well done. The thin layer of dulce de leche refrains from making this cookie too sweet — however, some wish that the dollop of frosting on top covered the whole cookie.

Kentucky butter cake cookie

One of our personal favorites, Crumbl's Kentucky butter cake cookie is an absolute delight of a treat. True to its name, the cookie is tender, moist, and buttery, and the chain serves it topped with what it calls a "melt-in-your-mouth buttery glaze." The company describes it aptly — the whole cookie melts in your mouth on first bite, and we find it hard not to finish the whole thing in one sitting.

Rather than being a sugar rush, the Kentucky butter cake cookie is more of a savory delight that customers swoon over. The company serves it warm, which fans appreciate, and some recommend eating it warm rather than waiting for it to come to room temperature. Being an extraordinarily simple cookie, there are no excess elements to distract from its buttery goodness, which we highly appreciate.

Eggnog cookie

Despite being another divisive Crumbl cookie, as eggnog fans, we wish the seasonal eggnog cookie was available year-round. This cookie typically makes the menu right around the holidays, which is certainly understandable — but we're begging the chain to bless us with Christmas in July via eggnog cookie at least once. 

This cookie infuses an eggnog flavor in both the sugar cookie and the frosting, topping it all off with a generous dusting of nutmeg. Reddit users say the cookie is very true to its name, and that if you like eggnog, you'll likely love this treat — but if you're not an eggnog fan, it may not be your cup of tea. Regardless of your personal opinions of the holiday beverage, we recommend giving this cookie a try when it comes back.

Lemon cake

One of Crumbl's non-cookie desserts had to make our list of flavors we wish were available year-round, because it's just that good. We love all of Crumbl's flavors, but the lemon cake, made of two mini lemon cake tiers, lemon curd, and lemon cream cheese frosting, and topped with a lemon slice, is a slice of heaven that satisfies any lemon lover's craving.

Customers back this up, with one Reddit user saying they particularly enjoyed this cake, despite not loving some of Crumbl's other dessert options. In particular, this fan appreciates the moistness of the cake and the layer of lemon curd, while another commenter chimed in with, "I'd sell my soul for this."

Graham cracker ft. Teddy Grahams

If you, like many Crumbl fans, are all too happy with the sugar rush that comes from many of the company's cookie offerings, then there's a good chance you fell in love with its graham cracker cookie that features a couple of Teddy Grahams on top. This offering's graham cracker cookie base is also topped with honey butter frosting and a bit of honey.

Fans on Reddit appreciate this treat's "golden honey deliciousness," praising the cookie's extreme sweetness. This Crumbl cookie may not be one for those who prefer to take their sugar in moderation, though. Regardless, as graham cracker fans, we would be all too happy to see this cookie available all year long. 

Raspberry lime ft. Sour Patch Kids

We'll get into how good the raspberry lime ft. Sour Patch Kids cookie tastes in a moment — but first, we have to appreciate the sweet cookie collaboration that Crumbl did with the Make-A-Wish foundation. Crumbl donated 20% of this cookie's sales to various of the foundation's chapters, which in itself is enough to make us wish this cookie was available all the time.

Customers have praised the flavor, with one Reddit user even saying, "It's one of their best and most unique cookies." It's pleasantly sour and filled with a surprising raspberry Sour Patch filling. The lime frosting and Sour Patch dusting on top complement the tangy lime sugar cookie base.

Classic peanut butter cookie

Another personal favorite, we were surprised to find we enjoyed Crumbl's peanut butter cookie as much as we did, especially given that we're not always the biggest peanut butter fans. This peanut butter cookie is as classic as they come, with no accoutrements distracting from the rich peanut butter flavor, and the crosshatch pattern only reminds us of the classic peanut butter cookies mom used to make.

The texture of this cookie is also one to write home about — one Reddit user puts it simply, saying the cookie is "crunchy and gooey in all the places it should [be]." If you're a fan of the cookie, you should also try Crumbl's peanut butter dessert bars the next time they make the menu.

Caramel popcorn cookie

We know that popcorn on a cookie isn't necessarily a classic combination, but one thing we've always loved about Crumbl is the company's ingenuity. This release has been seen around National Popcorn Day, though we'd be delighted to see it hit menus more often. If there's one complaint we have about the cookie, it's that we wish the popcorn flavor was more heavily featured — rather, caramel shines through in the caramel cookie base and the layer of caramel on top.

Reddit users also heavily endorse the cookie, saying it has a delicious buttery base and that the frosting on top is equally yummy. One commenter even compares the cookie base to Crumbl's Kentucky butter cookie, another favorite on this list; another fan suggests adding a pinch of sea salt on top for added depth of flavor.

Lemon bar cookie

Another of Crumbl's lemon-flavored desserts, the lemon bar cookie features a lemon sugar cookie that's chilled, along with a lemon bar topping and powdered sugar. Perfect in its simplicity, our only complaint with this cookie is that Crumbl didn't go all the way and create an actual lemon bar (at least, as of this writing).

We hold lemon bars up to a high standard, and Reddit users who are equally obsessed with the classic dessert seem to be slightly divided on Crumbl's lemon bar cookie. Some say this treat has just the right amount of lemony tang, while others complain of it being not lemony enough. This could be chalked up to mere location differences in cookie preparation; regardless, give the lemon bar cookie a try the next time it's on the menu.

Maple bacon cookie

Classic sweet-and-savory combinations are something we're always fans of in desserts, and Crumbl's maple bacon cookie is no exception. This buttermilk cookie, topped with maple frosting, bacon bits, and maple syrup, is a sumptuous dessert that we wish we could see on the weekly menu more often.

Reddit users agree, with one even saying that this cookie is their favorite of Crumbl's selection, comparing it to "a bite of buttery pancakes and bacon smothered in maple syrup." Though they say the maple frosting is slightly too sweet to be fully balanced by the bacon, it's a favorite regardless. If you're concerned about the cookie being too sweet for your liking but still want to give it a try, you can always scrape off some of the frosting before digging in.

Cornbread cookie

Crumbl's cornbread cookie is all too reminiscent of the home-cooked cornbread you make to accompany winter chili dishes. The cookie is delightfully simple and sticks to its cornbread moniker, only adding a drizzle of honey butter glaze and some buttercream frosting to give it some pizzazz. It's neither too sweet nor too savory, and its humble nature is something we wish more Crumbl cookies aspired to.

One Reddit user has even gone so far as to outline their case for Crumbl to have this cookie available weekly, citing the cookie's simplicity, balanced flavor, and the ability to pair it with numerous other Crumbl offerings — and we must say that we agree. If you're a fan of the cornbread cookie, you should also give Crumbl's frosted cornbread treat a try the next time it's in stores. 

Snickerdoodle cupcake cookie

Rounding out our list of the best Crumbl cookies we wish we could enjoy year-round is the company's best-selling cookie of 2022: the snickerdoodle cupcake cookie. What really makes this cookie shine, in our opinion, isn't the cookie itself, but the frosting it's paired with. A classic snickerdoodle cookie is always a welcome treat, but when topped with cream cheese frosting and cinnamon sugar, there's no wonder it's garnered such high praise. 

One Reddit user who works at a Crumbl location backs up claims of the cookie's popularity, saying, "I had to keep putting more and more in the oven. Because they were selling so fast!" Some commenters say it's too sweet for their liking, but we think the tang of the cream cheese provides a good enough balance to make the cookie not seem overly sweet.