The Fruit Juice You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Fresh squeezed, cold pressed, expeller pressed, with the pulp, without the pulp — who knew there were so many ways to make and take your fruit juice? From the color-coded fridge at the upscale supermarket chain Erewhon to your neighborhood juice bar, and from the cartons at Trader Joe's to the fresh squeezed OJ you order with breakfast, juice is hardly ever just juice. With so many options today, what you drink and keep stocked is a telling choice. But, rather than thinking about it too hard, you can let the juice choose you, based on your zodiac sign. 


Are you a deep earthy beet juice? Or a bright tropical blend of passion fruit and mango? Perhaps, you'd identify more with something sweeter — maybe a strawberry kiwi mix or a classic apple? Or, maybe — just maybe — you like to get your vegetables in with your fruit juice, too, with a bit of spinach, kale, or celery mixed in. Whatever you might be feeling, there's a juice out there for you. The only way to know what juice that might be is to keep reading, so you can find out what your zodiac says about you — and your juice.


First things first, I want to clarify that Aries are perfectly nice people. These signs are courageous, driven, honest, generous, and energetic — all characteristics people can appreciate and admire. It's just that a lot of those characteristics seem to go out the door once these signs find themselves in a competitive environment, which, for them, could be anywhere. As the first of the zodiacs, it's believed that Aries are born into this world with the least inherent wisdom. In turn, they tend to battle with immaturity, including the habit of seeing everything and everyone as a competition. That, of course, includes the fruit juice they'd be.  


Taking all of that into account, the fruit juice that Aries would be is one that's beloved by everyone, transcending cultures and countries to be labeled as the most popular — and therefore the best: orange juice. Sweet and tangy, and with many ways to use it, orange juice is a recurring beverage option on breakfast and brunch menus around the globe. Whether fresh squeezed or pre-made or with pulp or without, the Aries can take pride in knowing that, if they were any fruit juice, they'd be the number one option — which, like every other thing they do, is exactly the place they prefer to be.


There's something about being around a Taurus that feels like home. These signs are known for being level-headed and calm, and being the first earth sign on the zodiac calendar, it really does make a lot of sense. While, yes, these signs might be about as stubborn as a large boulder of rock, it's also what makes them such dependable friends. In fact, there's really not much that these signs value more than reliability. That, combined with their practicality, patience, and generous nature, make them exactly the people to call when you need to be talked back down to earth. Similarly, the fruit juice they'd be does the same. 


While technically not a fruit, beet juice is often combined with sweeter ingredients like apples and oranges to make fruit juices. This root veggie literally grows underneath the ground, and it tastes sort of like it, too. Beets are rich and earthy, with a flavor and aroma comparable to fresh soil. Beet juice might not sound delicious — and, like stubborn Tauruses, it's certainly not something you can change — but sometimes, it's exactly what you need. Mixed into sweeter fruit juices, beets bring a necessary depth that grounds any recipe and you.


No matter your experience or knowledge in astrology, you've likely heard about the Gemini. These signs have the rather unfortunate reputation of being double-faced — and a lot of that can be tied to the fact that they're represented by twins, which are sometimes depicted as two masks. It also doesn't help that they're notorious gossipers, either. Nevertheless, whether the rumors are true or not, if there's one thing that's for sure, it's that these signs don't shy away from controversies. 


With names like Kanye West and Donald Trump under this sign, Geminis seem to always be embroiled in drama — mostly their own doing. That much can't be debated. That's why, if the Gemini were any kind of fruit juice, they'd be one that's frequently caught in debates: tomato juice. Is it a fruit, a vegetable, or both? Who honestly knows, but it certainly makes the bloody mary recipe you make for brunch — and the gossip that comes along with it — taste better.


Cancers are one of the hardest signs to get to know. But that's only because they're so protective of their emotions. Like the crabs that represent them, Cancers are always in defense mode — and they aren't afraid to break out their claws if necessary. However, once you get past their shells, it quickly becomes clear why they're this way. Underneath it all, these crabs are empathetic, intuitive, and sensitive, but almost to a fault. 


It's no secret that the Cancer's emotions can get the best of them. These signs rightfully protect their feelings. However, they've also been guilty of using them to manipulate others, and boy, can they be clingy sometimes. In turn, the fruit juice they'd be is not too different from them — satisfyingly sweet sometimes and overbearingly so other times — making Cancers none other than peach juice

As seen in Tasting Table's ranking of Trader Joe's juices, store-bought peach juice can be a sugar overload. But that's not always the case. Fittingly, peach season overlaps with Cancer season — making it the best time to make fresh, ripe peach juice at home. There's no better way to use up your peaches or serve your Bellinis.



Everyone knows a Leo — but only because they make it that way. Leos have big personalities, and they certainly aren't afraid of the spotlight. They are ruled by the sun, after all, and they tend to go through life assuming the world revolves around them. It can definitely rub some people the wrong way. But, if you can look past all of that, you'll be happy to find that these signs are equally as interested in their loved ones' lives as they are their own. Be it a birthday, a promotion, or a personal accomplishment, these signs are loyal and loving, and they'll be there to celebrate you. 


Even amidst the bragging and showing off, Leos have a bright and sunny energy that makes them fun to be around. These signs have a lust for life, and they believe in living it to the fullest, which is one of the reasons they're known as the summer babies of the zodiac. But they bring the sunny energy all year long. Fittingly, so does the juice Leos would be: pineapple juice. Sweet, refreshing, and slightly tangy, pineapple juice has a summery, tropical flavor that nobody can resist. Add a splash to your painkiller tiki drink or your morning green juice to turn them into a bright, show-stopping moment.


Virgos are, by and large, very effective and constructive individuals. These signs love a to-do list — in fact, they live by them — and every little thing they get to check off at the end of the day just builds their self-esteem. But they're also perfectionists, and while it does certainly come with costs, it serves them a few perks. Not only does it mean that they're able to maintain both the quality and quantity of their work, but it makes them particularly susceptible to building and maintaining healthy habits to stay fit and well. The fruit juice they'd be, in turn, lends to that. 


Since the saying goes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, Virgos would be apple juice. Undoubtedly one of the most popular fruit juices out there, apple juice is known to deliver a sweet, crisp, and refreshing flavor and is one of the best fruit juices to add to green juices and other nutritious drinks.   


Libras are largely misunderstood. While they are known for their fabulous taste in art, design, fashion, and decor — which is all largely due to their impeccable eye for symmetry — these signs are hardly as shallow as people make them out to be. Yes, they appreciate beauty as much as the next person, if not more, but a lot of people don't realize that their appreciation for balance is something they look for in every aspect of their lives, especially in their personal relationships. 


Having said that, it's pretty clear why the Libras are represented by the scale. It's also crystal clear that if they were any fruit juice, they'd be one that also brings the kind of harmony and balance that they seek. That's why Libras would be cranberry juice. Much more tart than sweet, cranberry juice is a go-to ingredient in mixers and mocktails because it strikes the perfect middle ground between astringent and bitter. In so, cranberry juice has the ability to balance out the sweet flavors of other juices while standing up to the harsh taste of alcohol. 

From vodka cranberries to martinis and cranberry apple juice to grape, cranberry juice brings a necessary balance to all kinds of drink recipes. But given this sign's high-end taste, they couldn't be just any cranberry juice — they'd be the best cranberry juice.



Scorpios are another sign with a reputation — and it's not necessarily a good thing. These signs are known for being mysterious, passionate, and, last but not least, intense. The Scorpio's mood often swings from one end of the spectrum to the other, and your perception of them can largely depend on whatever side of them you get that day. Being so intensely passionate also lends to their compassion and empathy, which is surprisingly strong for how intimidating they come off. But if you cross them, that can quickly change. 


They might forgive, but a Scorpio will never forget — and like the true scorpions they are, these signs always sting back. What's worse is that you might not even see it coming. Scorpios will wait a lifetime to see their payback through, and while I'd hate to label them as "bitter," the fruit juice they are is equally as pungent and tart as their stings: grapefruit juice. Like these signs, there's really no in-between when it comes to this juice. Bold and tangy, with a strong citrus flavor, grapefruit juice can either be subtly sweet and berry-like or lip puckering-ly sour — providing just the right amount of zing your whiskey needs


Sagittariuses are true free spirits. These signs hate being held down by any kind of rules or scheduled routines, and their adventurous outlooks are only fueled by their innate sense of wanderlust. The Sagittarius sees every change and life obstacle as an opportunity to grow, and they need the freedom to do so. All of that only means that these signs know how to make the most out of any situation — and they're undoubtedly the ideal sign to travel with. Just don't expect your average tourist experience. Sagittariuses are known to seek out the kind of experiences that are encountered by few, as is made clear by the type of fruit juice they'd be. 


If the Sagittarius were any fruit juice, they'd be yuzu juice. Commonly found in Asia, and specifically Japanese cuisine, yuzu is a citrus fruit frequently used in marinades, dressings, sauces, and drinks. Yuzu imports are illegal, so if you find them legally in stores, they're most likely grown out of California. But that only goes to show this sign's bold and brave nature, traversing boundaries to find a footing in the U.S. You can add yuzu in place of any recipe you'd use grapefruit or lemon juice to create something completely unexpected, which should be this sign's specialty.


If there's anything that Capricorns are known for, it's for being workaholics. They're proud of it, too. Represented by the sea goat, a mythical creature that's both half fish and half goat, and associated with the knees, it's pretty obvious that these signs were predetermined to ascend expectations. With traits such as being goal-oriented, self-motivated, determined, and responsible, it's really no wonder why these signs have the reputation they do. But, while we all can admire their work ethic, every one of us could use a vacation at some point — Capricorns included. 


It's important that the Capricorn take time to celebrate their achievements, or at least take a break, rather than moving right on to the next big thing like they usually do. Fortunately, the type of fruit juice Capricorns would be is one that can help with that: passionfruit juice. Tart yet sweet and with a complex aroma, passionfruit juice brings a tropical element to your morning smoothies, but it's equally as good on its own, too. From Hawaii to Florida and Brazil, these fruits grow abundantly in many vacation destinations. But these signs can enjoy the fruit juice at home or even in the office for an instant mental vacay whenever necessary.


One word to describe the Aquarius is probably unique — or weird, depending on how you look at it. The thing is, these signs are completely disinterested in anything considered "normal," mainstream, or otherwise generally accepted by society's standards. The Aquarius values individuality and contrarianism, so much so that it's not just something they exhibit themselves — through their opinions, styles, and hobbies — but what they look for in others. 


Given that these signs are so willing to stand apart from the crowd, it's almost natural that they're known as the trendsetters of the zodiac. You can expect them to be way past any trend they set and onto something different by the time everyone else has caught on. Regardless, the type of juice Aquarius would be is one you're not likely to find at the grocery store or even your local juicer but is somehow a part of a rising trend in non-alcoholic alternatives: blueberry juice. 

Served and pressed fresh at your neighborhood farmers market, blueberry juice makes the perfect mocktail recipe. Given the increasing interest in non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic cocktails, Aquariuses likely already know all about it and are probably already onto some other difficult-to-find juice options.



Most people know Pisces for being airheads — but they have a lot more going on up there than they make out. While, yes, these signs do have short attention spans, and you might have to repeat yourself a couple of times when you're around them, it's only because their awareness is so often split. These signs have entire worlds inside of their minds, and they spend a lot of their time daydreaming. In so, their attention is constantly being divided between fantasy and reality. It's why they come off so distant sometimes, but it's also why their imaginations are so wide. 


Hence, the juice this sign would be is one that's just as expansive as they are. With a little bit of imagination and a bit of natural coloring and fruit flavors, this fruit can be any juice on the shelf. That's right; if the Pisces were any fruit juice in the bunch, they'd be grape. Blended with fruits like bananas, strawberries, cranberries, papaya, pineapple, and mango, grape juice is a common base used to create all kinds of fruit juice blends. 

There are all types of grapes and grape juices, but thanks to the clear color, white grape juice dilutes juices so they aren't too tart or sweet without altering the appearance. With that, this juice won't limit Pisce's creativity by putting them into one box, allowing them to explore all juicy possibilities. 


