16 Noosa Yogurt Flavors, Ranked

A lot of people keep a container of plain Greek yogurt in their fridge at all times for breakfast bowls or as a substitute for sour cream in their favorite recipes. In that case, a lot of brands will do. But, when you're looking for a flavored yogurt that's ready-to-eat with no additions, you'll want to be more careful about the brand and flavor you choose. One of my all-time favorite prepared yogurt brands? noosa. The brand's roots are in Australia, but it's currently producing its rich, creamy yogurt in Colorado on a fifth-generation dairy farm.


If you go to your local grocery store's dairy section, you'll likely see a wide selection of noosa flavors. But how do you know which one to pick? Although all of noosa's flavors are delicious, and you won't go wrong with any of them, there are some flavors that rise above the average level of deliciousness and offer a truly spectacular yogurt experience.

I tasted a wide array of noosa flavors to give you the 411 on which ones you should add to your shopping cart. I tasted each flavor cold, straight out of the fridge, and all on its own to get the most unadulterated flavor possible. Then, I ranked each flavor based on its flavor and texture. 

Some recommendations are based on firsthand impressions of promotional materials and products provided by the manufacturer.


16. Strawberry rhubarb

In general, you'll find that noosa's yogurt is exceptionally rich and creamy, probably because of the whole milk it uses in its recipe. But, the strawberry rhubarb yogurt is exceptionally creamy with a thickness that creates a bold, smooth mouthfeel. Plus, the strawberry rhubarb puree also has a thick texture that's a bit stickier and more substantial than that of some of the brand's other flavors. The result is a texture unlike that of any other yogurt I've tried.


However, this ranking isn't about texture alone, and unfortunately, the strawberry rhubarb's flavor makes me like it considerably less. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the rhubarb adds a bit of a vegetal quality to the mix, which almost reads as metallic upon the first bite. The sweetness of the strawberry balances it out, sure, but ultimately, there are a lot of other flavors to choose from. Rhubarb lovers should check out this product. Otherwise, consider one of the many other options noosa offers.

15. Vanilla bean

If this were simply a ranking of the different vanilla-flavored yogurts on the market, then noosa's vanilla bean yogurt would probably come in first place. The yogurt is thick and creamy, a far cry from the tub of fat-free yogurt you may have sitting in your fridge right now. And once you open the container, you're not just going to be staring at a white blob. Rather, it actually looks like there are ground-up vanilla beans in this mix, which is just one more hint that you're getting a premium product.


So you might be wondering why this yogurt doesn't rank higher on the list. Well, it all comes down to novelty. "Vanilla" is a word used to describe things that are basic and boring, and essentially, most vanilla-flavored products fit the bill. This is fantastic vanilla yogurt, so if that's what you're looking for specifically, then definitely snag a container. If, however, you want to experience the best that noosa has to offer, there are other flavors you should try from the lineup before this one.

14. Pumpkin

Pumpkin spice fans, you've just met the yogurt of your dreams. noosa's pumpkin yogurt isn't something you see every day, and even if you've had a pumpkin yogurt before, there's a good chance that this one's better. The ultra-creamy, perceptibly fatty yogurt makes an ideal base for just about any flavor, so obviously, pumpkin puree tastes good here, too. The pumpkin puree only adds to that rich creaminess and makes this decadent yogurt taste almost dessert-adjacent.


That being said, I truly believe that the pumpkin hype has gone over the top, and I, personally, have never craved pumpkin yogurt in my life. If you're the kind of person who has to taste pumpkin everything, then there's a good chance you're going to fall in love with this yogurt. But if you don't generally love pumpkin flavors to begin with, this variety is one you can skip without the fear of missing out.

13. Lemon

One thing you should know about noosa yogurt is that it leans toward the sweeter end of the spectrum. That's not necessarily a bad thing — you're not going to have to add any sweeteners to these yogurts, and they're not too sweet either. However, if you ask me, the lemon flavor specifically is a bit too sweet. You don't really pick up on the acidity that you might expect from a lemon-forward product. Rather, it gets lost in all that sugar. It's not ideal if you're looking for a brighter, fresher lemon yogurt.


However, the texture of this yogurt is especially nice. The lemon adds a thread of silkiness that blends beautifully with the creamy yogurt. This means it can be enjoyed for both breakfast, as well as dessert. If you love your lemonade super sweet, then there's a good chance that this is going to be one of your all-time favorite yogurt flavors.

12. Black cherry

There are some flavors that are really hard to capture outside of their natural state. Watermelon-flavored products, for example, rarely ever taste like watermelon at all. And the same can often be said for cherry flavors, which don't seem to translate well outside of their fruit forms. That's not the case when it comes to noosa's black cherry yogurt. For a cherry-flavored product, it's delicious, with a complexity you won't often find in simpler, cheaper foodstuffs. Still, the black cherry flavor tastes slightly artificial, with a medicinal note that may not appeal to all eaters.


That being said, some people absolutely love that semi-artificial-tasting cherry flavor, and if you fall into that camp, then this yogurt is absolutely worth a try. Although it tastes fine on its own, it could be enhanced by a simple sprinkling of some crunchy granola pieces on top. Feel free to experiment with other toppings to better balance those fruity flavors.

11. noosa Delights key lime pie

noosa's Delights line essentially offers yogurt cups that taste like real desserts. All of them are fantastic, but my least favorite of the varieties I tried was the key lime pie flavor. There's still a lot to like about the product, though. The yogurt feels even thicker and creamier than most of the other flavors, and there's a graham cracker layer in the cup that adds a silky texture and a distinctly crust-like flavor to every bite. It genuinely tastes like a slice of key lime pie.


The only real complaint I have is about the flavor of the lime. That lime note is distinctive and pronounced, but it's perhaps a bit too sharp to really make this yogurt cup taste like a pie. There's not quite enough sweetness to round out the striking acidity of the lime, so the flavor comes off as slightly unbalanced. Though, I'm glad that the brand opted for something that was too tart versus something that was too sweet.

10. Strawberry

noosa's strawberry flavor falls in the middle of the pack because there's just not much going on here. Are you going to find the same, high-quality whole milk yogurt you get with all of the other flavors in the lineup? Of course. Plus, you'll get that ribbon of sweet and tart strawberry puree throughout. The flavor of that puree isn't bad, per se, but it definitely can't compete with actual fresh strawberries. It doesn't taste as natural as many of the other flavors, although it's not really dipping into the category of ultra artificial-tasting. In short, it's just okay.


If you wanted to take your strawberry noosa up a notch, you may consider actually adding some fresh strawberries into the mix. You won't add to the sweetness that much and it'll bulk up your yogurt, both in terms of flavor and volume. Otherwise, there are other fruit-forward noosa flavors to choose from that are a bit more exciting.

9. noosa Delights brownie batter

Some of the noosa Delights products seriously taste like the dessert they're based on, but the same can't really be said for the brownie batter flavor. Instead of tasting like actual brownie batter, it has more of a chocolate pudding flavor. The main issue is the fact that the yogurt's acidity doesn't work super well with the rich chocolate flavor. Plus, the dark chocolate batter at the bottom of the cup doesn't integrate into the rest of the yogurt, leaving the two elements separate from each other — even when they're mixed together.


But just because this product doesn't actually taste like brownie batter doesn't mean it's not delicious. It's like a thicker, creamier, and richer chocolate pudding. Plus, its flavor is less boring and gelatinous than the plastic-packaged pudding cups of your youth. Texture-wise, the yogurt feels similar to panna cotta, which just underscores the feeling that you're digging into an actual dessert. If you're on the hunt for a lighter alternative to a chocolate-heavy dessert, this cup of yogurt may be exactly what you've been looking for.

8. Peach

Peaches are one of those fruits that can be really hit or miss. When you get a good peach, it feels life-changing — from the dripping juiciness to the natural, mouth-filling sweetness and the decadent texture that begs you to take another bite. But bad peaches can be just eh, since they replace the juicy sweetness with an unappetizing sandiness that doesn't exactly entice you to finish the fruit. Unfortunately, this yogurt's flavor pushes it into the "bad peach" category.


Although noosa's yogurt is, of course, delicious, it's peach flavor is not my favorite of the bunch. It's fine — peach lovers are not going to regret buying this product — but it just doesn't wow me like some of the other flavors on this list. But since noosa's products are, at a baseline level, high-quality and delicious, that means that the brand's peach flavor is still probably way better than most of the yogurt you've eaten in your life. Some of noosa's fruity flavors are more delicious than this one, but that doesn't mean the peach variety isn't worth a try.

7. Salted caramel

Salted caramel seems to be everywhere these days, but I've not come across it much in the yogurt aisle. Therefore, noosa's salted caramel flavor seriously feels like a novelty. This product seriously feels more like a dessert than a dish that's appropriate to eat first thing in the morning, which is part of what makes it so appealing.


The bright acidity of the yogurt pairs well with the saltiness of the caramel. Blessedly, the caramel flavoring is actually salty, unlike some products that veer toward intense sweetness without much of the advertised salt. However, you're also working with plenty of sweetness here as well. The result is a really well-balanced yogurt that somehow feels light and decadent at the same time.

This flavor doesn't rank higher, though, because it can be quite rich if you try to eat the whole container. The salted caramel flavor is best when you take a few small spoonfuls of it at a time instead of trying to eat it all in one go.

6. Blueberry

While you may want to branch out with your yogurt selection, it's nice to know that your favorite brand carries basic, enjoyable flavors that you can come back to time and time again. That's exactly what you'll get when you choose blueberry noosa. There's actual pieces of blueberry in the mix, which breaks up the creamy texture of the yogurt and makes it more texturally interesting. Despite the fact that noosa is very generous with that blueberry puree, this yogurt isn't too sweet — even when the different elements are mixed together.


The result is a yogurt that's mildly sweet and easy to eat, whether you're enjoying it for a light breakfast or indulging in a midday snack. This is a flavor you could eat every day and never get tired of.

5. Raspberry

Raspberry is one of those flavors that can taste bad when it's not done right, but luckily, that's not a problem with noosa's raspberry-flavored yogurt. As always, the texture of noosa's whole milk yogurt steals the show, creating a creamy backdrop that's both light and rich. The raspberries add a layer of tartness and sweetness (although this flavor leans toward the tart side, which I love). Plus, you can even feel the seeds from the raspberry puree. Not only does this add an interesting textural element, but it lets you know you're actually getting quality fruit here.


Honestly, you couldn't get a better raspberry yogurt, even if you blended up your own fresh raspberry puree yourself. And considering that opening up a container of noosa is a lot less work, this is probably a more reliable option — unless you have unlimited time to spend in the kitchen. If you're a true berry lover, this is a product you're going to want to get your hands on the next time you're craving a sweet yogurt treat.

4. Cinnamon roll

I love cinnamon rolls, so much so that I would eat them every single morning if I could. So I was shocked when I first opened noosa's cinnamon roll flavor and dipped my spoon into the velvety yogurt, which was mixed with a cinnamon-spotted ribbon of deliciousness. 


This yogurt tastes exactly like a cinnamon roll. Like, if I was only paying attention to the flavor alone, I would swear I was eating a cinnamon roll. But something about it coming in yogurt form makes it taste even better. There's a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity from the yogurt, which gives this product an even-keeled flavor and makes you want to eat the entire container in a single sitting.

3. Coconut

Coconut yogurt can face some of the same perils as a vanilla-flavored variety. Sure, they both can taste decent, but ultimately, coconut, like vanilla, is such a light flavor that most products flavored with it just taste boring. In fact, before I tried noosa's coconut yogurt, I would've never thought that I could eat just plain coconut yogurt on its own — I would've insisted on adding other ingredients to the mix.


Once I tried this product, though, I knew I would never look at coconut yogurt the same again. This stuff is so good, you can eat it completely on its own with nothing added. You can actually taste little pieces of coconut in the mix, which gives it both an interesting consistency and a coconut flavor that feels less surface-level than other coconut yogurt brands I've tried. Although you certainly don't need to pair this yogurt with anything else, it makes an especially flavorful base for yogurt bowls packed high with fruit, nuts, granola, or anything else you want to add.

2. noosa Delights strawberry cheesecake

Strawberry cheesecake is undoubtedly one of the best desserts to have ever been birthed into existence, so you wouldn't think that a yogurt dupe of it would even come close to the original. But I was surprised to discover that noosa Delights' strawberry cheesecake flavor tastes exactly like real strawberry cheesecake, even down to the texture — it has a firm smoothness that makes it feel like you're cutting into a piece of particularly decadent cheesecake.


In the bottom of the container, you'll find a jelly-like, graham cracker layer that's reminiscent of the flavor of a pie crust. Yes, that may sound odd, but when you try it for yourself, you'll understand what the hype is about. The fact that you could reasonably pass this cheesecake-adjacent yogurt off as breakfast gives me hope that good things can still exist in this dark world. I'm just grateful this flavor comes in a smaller container than the other flavors because I don't know if I'd be able to stop myself from eating all of it. 

1. noosa Delights coconut cream pie

Believe me when I tell you that you never need to eat another coconut cream pie again once you taste noosa Delights' coconut cream pie yogurt. Does it actually taste like coconut cream pie? Absolutely. In fact, it does such a good job impersonating the dessert that it may have actually eclipsed the real thing. I actually think I would prefer to eat this yogurt cup than an actual coconut cream pie — it's that good.


noosa's yogurt boasts a rich, creamy texture, but the addition of those tiny coconut pieces and the delicious, sweet custardy layer on the bottom of this yogurt cup makes this product unbeatable. Good luck finding it if you live near me, though; I've already cleaned out my local grocery store's stock. If you want your morning yogurt to taste exactly like one of the most delicious desserts you've ever had, look for this coconut cream pie flavor.


I ranked each of these yogurt flavors, first and foremost, based on their taste. But, I also paid attention to slight variation in texture between them. Each of the flavors were taste-tested cold, on a spoon, straight out of the containers they came in. Yogurts with a creamier texture and more balanced flavors took the top spots in this ranking, while less well-integrated flavor combos scored on the lower.


