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Pain Complet Is The Nutritious Baguette Alternative All Bread Lovers Should Know

Grabbing a fresh loaf from the bakery for dinner? In past articles, we've explored the 11 types of French bread and shared some tips for finding the perfect baguette. But if you're looking for a loaf with more health benefits, allow us to suggest pain complet. This French name translates to "complete bread," or as we call it, whole meal bread. Unlike a baguette, which is made of refined wheat flour, it's made with whole meal flour, which contains the entire wheat kernel and all of its beneficial nutrients.

For example, a single portion of pain complet has 8.4 grams of protein and 5.3 grams of fiber, versus only 5 grams of protein and 1 gram of fiber in a portion of the baguette. Together, these ingredients can help you feel full after eating and aid your digestion. Because whole meal flour contains complex carbs, the glycemic load (a measure of how much food raises blood sugar) of pain complet is also significantly lower, clocking in at 55 compared to 91 for the baguette. Whole grains like those used in this bread have even been linked to reduced risks in type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. When you add up all of these benefits, you can see how, depending on the type of flour used, bread can be more nutritious than you might think.

Better nutrition tastes great

Sure, the health benefits of pain complet may sound great, but you may be wondering how it tastes. From the moment you pick up the loaf, you'll notice right away that it's heavier than an airy baguette. When you bite into the crust, you'll discover a thick and hearty crumb inside. This sturdy texture makes it well-suited for open-faced sandwiches. For example, it's a hearty base for avocado toast. You could also serve it with some creamy hummus, or top it with olive tapenade, basil leaves, feta, and a slice of ripe tomato.

Pain complet is also great paired with lighter fare like soups or salads, where its protein and fiber will help you feel satisfied after the meal. Try tearing it into rough chunks and serving it alongside your favorite dips. Or serve it with saucy meals like stews or cassoulets, where you can use it as a delicious, nutritious sponge to soak up every last drop. 
