Here's The Absolute Best Frozen Mochi To Buy At Trader Joe's
Trader Joe's is home to many beloved products and a handful of discontinued favorites for which fans still clamor. When it comes to Trader Joe's frozen desserts, offerings span from an array of rich ice creams and popsicles to cookie sandwiches and chocolate-covered fruits among many other novelties. For the absolute best frozen dessert that lies somewhere between an ice cream and a pastry, look no further than Trader Joe's frozen mochi, which comes in a variety of different flavors. All tasty in their own right, the one Trader Joe's frozen mochi flavor that stands out above the rest is green tea. In Tasting Table's taste test, we found that nothing else quite encompasses what makes mochi ice cream distinctly different from mochi nor is any other flavor more satisfying.
What makes Trader Joe's green tea-flavored frozen mochi ice cream so good comes down to the flavor and texture. Without being too over-the-top with either the sweetness of ice cream or the earthiness of green tea, this leans more toward a matcha green tea, which, knowing the difference between green tea vs. matcha, is understandably more pleasant for a dessert than a true green tea flavor. Further, the chewy rice dough of the mochi has the perfect amount of chewiness and desirable taste to house the green tea ice cream filling.
Enjoying Trader Joe's green tea mochi
One of the best things about mochi ice cream is its portability. You can enjoy it just about anywhere as long as you've got a cooler or frozen storage to keep it intact before indulging. To get the perfect setting for enjoying a green tea mochi, look at some of your favorite Trader Joe's prepared foods or even the absolute best snacks from Trader Joe's for a fully realized mealtime experience. Start with a bowl of lentil soup with ancient grains or a chicken salad and snack on a handful of your favorite seasoned popcorn or flavored potato chips while you're at it. When it comes time for dessert, go all out with your accompaniments.
A bowl of fresh strawberries would be great alongside your green tea mochi ice cream. If you want a little more luxury, melt a Trader Joe's 72% cacao Belgian dark chocolate bar (available on Amazon) to drizzle over your dessert first. Don't forget to brew a cup of Trader Joe's green tea (also available on Amazon) and sip it alongside the green tea mochi for even more amplified flavor.