Why You Should Skip The Chocolate Fondue Fountain At Any Buffet

We know. The sweet, silky cascades of that buffet chocolate fountain are hard to resist. But giving in to its temptations could very well make you sick — and not, as your parents may have warned you, because you're filling up on sweets. 

The problem is in the way the machine works. It isn't constantly pumping out new chocolate. Instead, it's cycling the same liquid through the machine over and over again. As guests place food under its cascades, or cough or sneeze near the machine, crumbs and germs can be swept into the basin below. Then this same potentially infectious brew is pumped back up and through the fountain all night long. Considering that the machine has an internal warmer that keeps the melted chocolate in a liquid state, it also offers a cozy environment for microbes to grow. Suddenly, it doesn't seem nearly as appetizing to take a dip in this forbidden fountain!

A safer way to enjoy chocolate fondue

If a waterfall of melted chocolate still calls to you, there are safer ways to enjoy it. For example, you could buy or rent a machine to use at home so you're sharing with a smaller group. Keep in mind that the machine is still a pain to clean, as it must be taken apart and sanitized after every use to discourage bacteria. A traditional fondue pot is easier to clean but still involves lots of hands reaching into the same container and the potential of double-dipping. You could also spike the mixture with Irish cream or add a splash of bourbon for adults-only gatherings, but don't be fooled — while these combinations are tasty, that's not enough alcohol to overcome microbes. For the true germaphobe, the best solution may be to go solo. Melt your fondue together ahead of time and serve it in individual mugs, which every guest can dip into as much as they like.
