The Condiment You Need To Coat Your Turkey In ASAP

Turkey doesn't always receive the accolades that it should. Despite its impressively large size, oftentimes a whole roasted turkey can fall short when it comes to flavor and texture. Since the protein is quite lean, it runs the risk of being bland or, worse yet, becoming dry and chewy. The good news, however, is that the fate of a less-than-tasty turkey can easily be reversed with the help of a generous slather of mayonnaise, and here's how.

Strange as it may seem, coating a turkey — really, any poultry — in mayonnaise has a multitude of benefits. Given its fatty composition coupled with its thick consistency, mayonnaise is able to create a barrier on the bird that allows it to retain maximum moisture. In addition to keeping the bird juicy and tender, mayonnaise also helps to better brown the skin and promote a crisper crust, boosting the bird's textual (along with visual) appeal. But, that's not all. Spreading mayonnaise over turkey amplifies flavor by adding an element of decadence and a subtle tang that can complement and contrast the turkey's umami-forward profile.

Transforming turkey begins with working a dollop of mayo directly under the skin. After it's well distributed, spread the creamy condiment over the surface of the bird. To keep the bird especially succulent as it cooks, we also recommend coating the inside of the cavity. Once the entire bird is covered, simply place it into the oven and roast until golden.

A foolproof guide to basting turkey with mayonnaise

Wondering which mayonnaise is best to massage onto your next roasted, grilled, or even broiled turkey? Full-fat options will guarantee a more flavorful and texturally-pleasing bird, but, any kind of mayonnaise can be used for basting whether it be heavy-duty mayo, olive oil-based options, or savory kewpie mayo. Flavored renditions laced with garlic, infused with chipotle, or seasoned with spices can be great choices to increase complexity. Otherwise, make your own flavored mayo by introducing anything from fresh herbs to smoked sea salt or a dollop of honey to the condiment.

As for how much mayonnaise to use, the answer varies based on the size of the turkey as well as the part of the poultry. After all, a tray of turkey legs or wings will require far less mayo than what's needed to coat an entire bird. Regardless, we suggest being generous with the luscious condiment. Start with a heaping spoonful, adding more as necessary until the bird is evenly covered under a thin film of pearly sauce. Just bear in mind that you might want to cover the bird with foil should it begin browning too prematurely.

While basting a bird in mayonnaise will yield deliciously juicy results, to keep the poultry extra moist — or save an overcooked meat — the condiment can also be worked into a sauce to serve alongside the protein. Take our word for it, there isn't much that mayonnaise can't do!
