The Exact Temperature Nespresso Coffee Is Brewed At (And Why)

The saying goes, "If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen." But, by coffee quality standards, finding the correct point on the thermometer is much more important. In other words, if you can't brew at the correct temperature, just throw away the cup. For Nespresso machines, perfection means achieving 83 to 86 degrees Celsius for the Original line and roughly 78 degrees Celsius (it can very within five degrees) for Vertuo machines. Interestingly, this is substantially lower than the industry average (90 to 96 degrees Celsius, or 194 to 201 degrees Fahrenheit). The Nespresso website specifies that the reason for this is its cups are designed for brewing and enjoying immediately.

Its approach is great for dodging bitter notes and wields more control than a kettle alone. "This ensures optimal extraction of the coffee aromas without burning the coffee," Nespresso explains of its strategy. "It also makes sure that you are able to enjoy your coffee right away." It's tempting to mess around with the drink's temperature, especially when accustomed to a hotter cup. But don't make this common Nespresso machine mistake and waste time preheating your water. Besides, higher temperatures risk over-extraction. The heat draws too much flavor into your cup, creating an over-powering taste. Instead, trust in Nespresso's precise brewing calculations to produce consistently extracted coffee. Balance is key; nobody wants unpredictable results — especially when bleary-eyed at the crack of dawn.

Why do Nespresso brewing temperatures vary?

For the eagle-eyed, that three-to-five-degree Celsius variation raises another question: What dictates the exact brewing temperature? Firstly, there's nothing random about it; it's the reason all Nespresso Vertuo pods have a unique barcode. Different pods flourish at alternate temperatures. For instance, higher-acidity coffees are best brewed slightly cooler, while bold-flavored varieties with lower acidities require a hotter approach. Acidic pods are more sensitive to over-extraction, since their baseline bitterness is already higher. Having that flexibility — with 83 to 86 degrees Celsius or 78 degrees Celsius (± five degrees) ranges —gives an extra degree (or two) of cup-specific brewing control.

With that said, not all temperature variation is tactical. Did you know that limescale can wreak havoc on brewing processes? It's the reason you should be descaling your Nespresso machine. If heat declines steadily over time, chances are you're overdue. The residue clings to all the inner components, damaging the ability to measure or maintain adequate temperature control. A rough guideline is to descale once every three months. However, if you use more than 300 capsules within that window, bring the cleaning schedule forward.

Fancy giving your machine a helping hand? A sneaky Nespresso tip that ensures better tasting coffee is to preheat the water, running an empty cycle beforehand. It's amazing what impact a tiny user adjustment can have. And with your Nespresso machine working overtime to hit those ideal temps, it's the least you can do.
