The Secret To Cooking Tender Gizzards Every Time

Chicken gizzards are just one of the many organs found in a pack of giblets. While they aren't highly glamorous, gizzards are quite inexpensive and pretty nutritious. They're also delicious. In fact, chicken gizzards teem with intensely savory flavor reminiscent of gamey dark meat. What tends to deter many from gizzards, however, is that they can be very tough if cooked incorrectly. It's for this reason that the cooking process shouldn't be rushed when cooking up the most tender chicken gizzards.

Playing an integral role in a chicken's digestive tract, the gizzard is a small, but mighty organ that grinds food and debris pecked by chickens through a series of powerful muscle contractions. Since the gizzard is a lean muscle, it can be chewy and fibrous unless it is prepared following specific cooking processes that will render it both palatable and tender. Rather than trigger tough tissues to tense up with rapid and dry heat cooking methods, we recommend taking a low and slow approach for borderline buttery gizzards.

Like most tough cuts of meat, chicken gizzards benefit from being cooked over low heat for an extended period of time as this allows collagen to gelatinize, prompting tough tissues to soften. Additionally, we also suggest opting for moist heat methods such as stewing or braising as this keeps the meat succulent. What's more, even if you plan to broil or pan-fry gizzards, say for dirty rice, letting them braise beforehand can also ensure a tender gizzard.

A guide to keeping gizzards gorgeously tender

Starting with the freshest — preferably, free-range or pasture-raised — chicken gizzards is the first steps in achieving optimal taste and textures. The next step is ensuring that the meat is void of debris as this can give gizzards a gritty texture. To effectively clean chicken gizzards, simply slice them in half before rinsing them under cold water to remove trapped sand and gravel. Then, use a knife to remove tough tendons and silvery skin as well as the bitter yellow lining inside. Once cleaned, the gizzards can be cooked.

Although clean gizzards can be immediately tossed into a pot and braised until soft, there's another measure worth taking to guarantee a truly tender bite, and that's brining the meat. In fact, this step can also be useful should you plan to fry or grill gizzards. All you need to do is soak them in water and baking soda or salt. After an hour, proteins will have denatured, triggering leathery gizzards to reach melt-in-your-mouth textures. Similarly, marinating in tangy buttermilk can also have a tenderizing effect. In any case, always remove any residual brine or marinade prior to cooking for the best results.

Ultimately, the secret to tender chicken gizzards is all in how the gizzards are handled. With proper preparation, in conjunction with the right (read: low and slow) cooking method, chicken gizzards can be flavorful, succulent, and oh-so tender!
