The Spoon Trick That Ensures A Nicely Scalloped Pie Crust
Making homemade pie crust instead of buying it store-bought is a huge feat in and of itself. It can be tricky, but once you master it, it's unlikely you'll ever want to go back to store-bought. Homemade pie crust tastes 10 times better — and it looks better, too, especially if you get creative with the crust's design. There are so many different ways to shape the edges of pie crust to take it to the next level; one of our favorite techniques is creating a scalloped design around the pie crust. However, this can be a bit difficult, so we like using a spoon to create a scallop-like design along the crust's edges.
To make this simple design, all you need is a spoon. Any size and shape will work, but you might get slightly different results, depending on what you have in your utensil drawer. You could also use a grapefruit spoon, like this one on Amazon, for deeper lines. Flour the spoon a bit to ensure that it doesn't get stuck to the dough. Then, holding the spoon upside down, press its edge into the dough so the scalloped edge touches the inner fold of the pie plate's rim. Continue the same pattern around the diameter of the pie crust. You can leave it like this, or, for a more elaborate look, work the same motion again, only this time make the indentations just below the first ones to create a sort of rainbow pattern.
Use silverware for a simple but stunning pie crust
If you've already given the spoon trick a try and you're looking for a new method that's just as simple, whip out your favorite fork. If you didn't already know, forks are another great tool to use to elevate your pie crust. There are a variety of different designs you can do with a fork, from a simple crimp to a funky chevron pattern.
To start, simply flour your fork, and then press the bottom of it down into the pie crust with moderate pressure. You want the pattern to be deep enough that it's noticeable, but not so deep that it thins the crust out. Continue the pattern around the diameter. To do a chevron design on your pie crust, simply turn the fork at a 45-degree angle to the right and make an indent. Repeat the same pattern, turning it left the next time, and then right again, creating a zig-zag chevron design around the pie.
Don't worry: We didn't forget about the good old knife. You can use a small sharp knife to make a cross-hatching pattern in your pie crust. Just remember that it's sharper than a spoon or a fork, so you'll have to be a bit more gentle when pressing down into the dough. Press the blade at a diagonal, and then repeat, making an indent in the opposite direction to create an X shape. Continue making Xs all around the pie for a simple but stunning design.