The Frozen Fruit That Chills Wine Deliciously And Quickly

Few things are as frustrating as taking a sip of your favorite wine, only to realize it's been watered down by those melted ice cubes you just threw in earlier. The vibrancy? Gone. The crisp finish? A distant memory. Every passing second steals a bit of the wine's essence — its intricate flavor notes, sparkling charm, and delicate aroma — until all you're left with is a bland, diluted liquid. Luckily, there's a very simple solution to this problem, and it's as easy as replacing the ice with frozen grapes. No more racing against time when you're supposed to be leisurely sipping on a fancy drink. Frozen grapes chill your wine effortlessly, all while adding a delightful twist of their own.


It's a joy like no other when you spot subtle hints of the grapes' sweet-tart taste woven into the wine. Not to worry, it's just a sweet-tart nudge that ever-so-slightly enhances the wine's fruity undertone. You'll feel it lingering delicately in the back, but not enough to overwhelm or alter the main flavor notes. Once you're done with the wine, the frozen grapes are the little sweet treats you'll have the best time nibbling on. After all, who can say no to biting into wine-soaked, juicy, and flavor-bursting fruits?

Keep frozen grapes handy in your fridge

The best way to freeze grapes starts by blotting them completely dry to avoid icicles from forming. Next, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the grapes all over it, with spaces in between so they don't clump up in the freezer. After flash-frozen for a few hours or even overnight, the grapes can be transferred into a plastic zip bag and kept in the freezer to use for up to a year.


In your wine glass, around two or three frozen grapes should be enough. Just drop them into your newly-poured wine and swirl the glass around for a bit. This trick works for both red and white wine, so feel free to explore your preferences. Get inspired by one of the most classic wine and fruit pairings during the holiday season: Sauvignon Blanc and green grapes. You'll adore how sophisticated the symphony of fruity, sweet, and slightly acidic notes come together. You might also find other white wine varieties to be lovely matches with green grapes such as cotton candy and muscat. Red grapes, undoubtedly, deserve a shot with red wines, and you'll especially want to focus on fruit-forward ones as they are the absolute best type of wine to chill.


