The Self-Checkout Ploy Costco Can Ban Members For

While we love Costco hacks and tricks, we don't condone ploys. There are some Costco membership rules that one should never consider breaking, as the warehouse can ban you if you do. One rule applies to the self-checkout process. If you've ever thought about using someone else's membership card to go through the self-checkout, think again. At the self-service checkout registers, Costco staff will ask members to show their membership cards, and membership cards at Costco should always only be used by the actual member themselves. Per Costco's policy, while members can each bring up to two guests to the warehouse, guests without memberships are actually not allowed to make purchases. 

So while you can technically make the most of your Costco haul by going with a friend, the Costco membership card and benefits are non-transferable, as Costco's policy clearly states. Violating any of Costco's policy can result in a ban. Reddit user analog_grotto wrote, "I was almost banned for life for bringing a friend w/o membership who wanted to score some of the bulk Ouija board packs on my card." Other Costco members on Reddit lament how Costco is cracking down on card sharing so much that even if their spouses stood next to them at checkout, they could not use each other's membership cards. 

Participate in shopping hacks at Costco, not ploys that can get you banned

Honestly, for members to follow the policies and rules that Costco clearly lines out isn't too much for the warehouse to ask. It's like if you live in a community that a home owner's association (HOA) governs, you follow HOA rules or risk getting fined or a lien on your property. So at Costco, don't be surprised if you get banned from the warehouse or your membership revoked if you break policies or involve yourself in checkout ploys. 

So, instead of participating in ploys, why not try some good old Costco hacks and tricks instead? For example, check out our 13 tips that will make your next Costco shopping trip even better, including avoiding the center of the warehouse by shopping on the sides instead and making sure to download the Costco app to your phone. We also love food court hacks like this Costco pizza hack we wished we had tried sooner: Turning a slice of pizza into a taco by wrapping it around a hot dog. Rest assured, no staff at the warehouse will ban you over this ingenious food hack. 
