The Unexpected Hot Dog Brand That's Far Superior To Ball Park
When summer time arrives with blue skies and warm temperatures, it seems natural to throw hot dogs on the grill. With a litany of hot dog hacks and seemingly endless topping combinations, the pairing of a warm bun and a juicy frank is a crowd-pleaser at any time — especially with the right dog. To find the very best, we tried and ranked 13 popular grocery store hot dog brands, and our number one pick is Kayem Old Tyme Beef.
Hot dogs are synonymous with baseball, and our top choice is no exception. As the official frank of Major League Baseball's Boston Red Sox, well-known for serving the Fenway Frank, these dogs are both boiled and grilled so that fans get a juicy frank that retains its signature "snap." Kayem Old Tyme Beef, a brand based in Massachusetts, receives top marks from us because it has everything one desires from a classic hot dog: it's made with all beef, it's flavorful and juicy, and it retains that classic snap thanks to its lamb casing. The combination of natural beef flavor and smokiness makes us want to eat these dogs again and again.
Our only point of contention is the addition of dextrose in the hot dogs, but we didn't find the franks to be overly sweet. Typically priced around $5.59 for a pack of six at the grocery store (depending on your location), Kayem Old Tyme Beef isn't just delicious; it's also a bargain.
Beating a more popular brand
Our top choice may seem surprising in at a time when U.S. hot dog eaters continue to claim Ball Park Franks as their top choice. As their name suggests, Ball Park also has a long association with baseball as the official hot dog of several professional ball teams. Of course, we're still fans of the famous franks, ranking them fourth on our list, while noting their good flavor and easy-access packaging. They're another brand we'd definitely return to, even if we prefer Kayem.
Ball Park may be a better known brand, but Kayem was took our top honors for several reasons. The biggest is the addition of corn syrup to Ball Park Franks. While it doesn't make the hot dogs overly sweet, it kept the iconic brand from cracking the top three. More than likely, the added corn syrup will be a deterrent for those searching for a healthy hot dog option. Additionally, while Ball Park's combination of sweet and smoky flavors isn't necessarily bad, we found it to be a touch overwhelming. In contrast, Kayem's franks were flavorful in all the right ways.