How To Buy Coffee That's Less Acidic

Roast date, origin, packaging, grind ... the list of things to keep in mind when purchasing coffee is seemingly endless. For the novice coffee buyer, it can be quite intimidating. As with all things here at Tasting Table, we recommend taste testing before purchase because, when it comes to coffee, acidity plays a significant role in your brew's flavor. Most coffees contain acids, and while some blends have a higher amount than others, it all depends on where they're grown and how they're brewed. Fixing overly acidic coffee can be difficult, so how does one find coffee that's less acidic from the start? Use a dark roast.

We spoke to Jee Choe, the coffee and tea sommelier behind Oh, How Civilized, to get her expert opinion on how to find coffee that's less acidic. According to Choe, it's as simple as choosing the right roast. "Darker roasts will be less acidic than lighter roasts," she explains while noting that "you can reduce acidity by buying shade-grown coffee and coffee grown in origins known for less acidity (and at lower elevations)." While acidity can vary within one region, some safe bets for low-acidity coffee include Brazil, Sumatra, and low-altitude areas in Central America, such as Nicaragua. Since too much acidity in your coffee can make your cheeks pucker, your coffee sour, or even give you heartburn and a stomachache, it's best to try to avoid the more acidic roasts altogether.

How to brew up less acidic coffee

You may already have a bean purchasing plan in place, but it's important to note that the way you brew your coffee plays a big role in how acidic it tastes. "If you want less acidic coffee, I recommend making cold brew using dark roast coffee," Choe advises. "The cold brew can even be heated to make hot coffee, but it'll still be less acidic than any other brew method." Of course, that's not all you need to know. Choe also notes that "brewing methods that require coarser grinds, very fine filters, or low water temperatures will extract less acidity (but also less flavor)." That's the thing about acid in coffee; it's actually a great flavor enhancer when you have the right amount. So, it's crucial to keep Choe's last note in mind because you don't want to accidentally filter out all the flavor along with the acid.

If you have already made your cup of joe, and it's still too acidic for your liking, there are some things that you can add to cut down on that overly bitter flavor. Ghee, a type of butter most commonly found in Indian dishes, is the secret ingredient to make coffee less acidic and can counterbalance the acid without compromising the flavor. Not all kitchens have ghee lying around, in which case any creamy, fatty ingredient — such as the more traditional half-and-half — will help reduce that acidic taste. Whatever you do, just avoid this list of the biggest mistakes you make brewing your coffee at home.
