The Best Dark Roast K-Cup For Your Keurig

Choosing the right K-cup can be complicated, especially when it comes to picking out a quality dark roast. Although hundreds of options exist, determining which pods produce the best coffee takes a fair bit of time and effort. Luckily for you, we've done the task of evaluating different dark roast K-cups and found that Death Wish's Dark Roast K-cups are simply unmatched.

Ranking first in our classification, there are several things to like about Death Wish Dark Roast K-cups, including the fact that the beans are both organic and certified Fair Trade. Of course, it also helps that the pods are super accessible and reasonably priced. Yet, what makes this dark roast really special lies within the coffee's composition. A full-bodied brew, the java's relatively low level of acidity renders textures ultra silky and smooth. That said, the K-cups are anything but weak, as the coffee boasts a pleasantly punchy kick of caffeine — suitable for fans of big and bold brews. 

Additionally, the inky-colored coffee has a wonderfully rich and robust flavor profile. On the nose, Death Wish's Dark Roast K-cups are intensely toasty with an almost spiced quality that's balanced by a jammy fruitiness, all of which is further emphasized on the palate. Teeming with pronounced notes of malty dark chocolate and earthy black cherry, the K-cups burst with complex flavors that remain prominent post-brew, lingering long after each sip. All in all, opting for Death Wish's K-cups is a no-brainer.

A guide to brewing the best dark roast K-cup yet

Brewing the tastiest cup of Death Wish Dark Roast in your Keurig starts with a clean appliance as a spick-and-span machine prevents unusual flavors and crunchy grounds from ending up in your mug. Keeping your Keurig clean by regularly descaling and wiping down components also ensures that it will run more effectively — just don't make a mistake like forgetting to prep the machine prior to brewing.

Rather than pop in a K-cup and press start, we recommend running a cycle without the pod to achieve the right brewing temperatures. Unlike lighter roasts that must be prepared with piping hot water for ideal extraction, darker roasts are best brewed at cooler temperatures just under 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Since Keurig machines tend to brew at about 192 degrees Fahrenheit, the good news is that Death Wish Dark Roast K-cups won't risk over-extraction and any increased bitterness. Naturally, brewing with the right kind of water like filtered or bottled H20 can produce a better tasting cup, as well.

As a final word of advice, selecting smaller cup sizes so that flavors remain rich can also enhance your coffee drinking experience. Otherwise, if you're craving a bigger cup of joe, simply prepare two smaller cups of the bold brew. In any case, opting for velvety Death Wish Dark Roast K-cups is sure to inspire lovers of dark roast. Give it a try and taste the difference that a good K-cup can make!
