Are Breville Nespresso Machines Any Different From The Original?

When shopping for a Nespresso machine, you're going to come across a handful of different options. There's the most expensive machine and the least expensive machine, the smallest machine and the biggest, and the most popular machines and least popular machines. Within all those same categories you're also going to find different machines with different brand names tied to them, one of them being Breville. Breville is a home appliance manufacturer based in Australia, known specifically for its coffee machines and accessories. However, if you're wondering if the Breville machines are any fancier than those from the original line, the answer is no.

As with a lot of things in the modern world, the difference between the original line of Nespresso machines and the Breville ones is nothing but branding. The same thing goes for any of the De'Longhi (Nespresso's other, Italian-based manufacturing partner) machines you come across. While they might have the exotic names and coffee-loving origins attached, any differences between these machines are purely aesthetic. One Nespresso employee explained on Reddit that, while they might have an association with the brands, "the machines are still chiefly designed and manufactured by Nespresso." By partnering with them, Nespresso gets to feed off of their prevalence in the coffee market.

So, while certain ranges like the Lattissima and the Creatista are solely third-party manufactured, and can be found sold on other sites without the Nespresso name — at the end of the day, they're the same. Hopefully that makes your decision a little bit easier.

Nespresso vs Breville vs De'Longhi

As mentioned before, Nespresso works with two different manufacturing partners: Breville and De'Longhi. When shopping directly from the Nespresso site, all of the machines are going to look the same — with the Nespresso logo, and only the Nespresso logo. However, when you look up Nespresso machines from Breville and De'Longhi, you're going to find most if not all of the same machines there, too. Generally, the color selection on the Breville and De'Longhi sites are going to be more limited compared to what you find from Nespresso. But, the machines are the same.

On the other hand, you're also going to notice certain machines on the Breville site aren't on the De'Longhi, and vice versa. There are two ranges in the Nespresso collection that are solely made by one of its third-party partners, and those are the Lattissima machines and the Creatista machines. De'Longhi manufactures the Lattissima while Breville manufactures the Creatista, both of which can be found on the Nespresso site. If you go directly to the manufacturers' sites, however, you'll find them in some additional colors and models. All of these machines are more or less the same, with different color options and, in some cases, the addition of a touch screen.

While it doesn't hurt to look through each site for different color options, know that the differences between the machines on the manufacturer's site and Nespresso's are only aesthetic. While the names, colors, and styles might vary, they're all Nespresso machinery at the end of the day.
