Why You Shouldn't Drink Distilled Water If There's Another Option
The number of options to choose from when it comes to bottled water has expanded dramatically in the last few years in both retail outlets and restaurants. Far from being just a simple thirst quenching glass offered at no cost by your server, some beverage professionals are now even training to offer water sommelier services, which can help you decide between the many different waters available.
The one type of water you should not be offered to drink, however, is distilled water. That's because distilled water lacks the minerals that give subtle flavors to water, so you'll find it flat and not as enjoyable as other waters that have a more robust mineral content. During distillation, water is heated to create steam, which is collected, cooled, and then bottled. It's a pretty simple process.
In fact, you can even make your own jug of distilled water at home if you so choose. During distillation, the minerals, metals, and other possible contaminants in the original water are left behind, leaving water that's as close to pure as possible. That's great for uses where the build up of minerals is unwelcome, such as in the tank of your iron or humidifier, but not so great in your drinking glass.
Minerals in water serve a purpose
Many brands of bottled water, from the worst to the best available, come directly from local water municipal supplies, or what we commonly call tap water. Water from the tap might have multiple sources of impurities, including bacteria, pesticides, or other chemicals along with minerals and metals that get dissolved in the water as it passes through the environment. Drinking water, whether it's simple plain water or carbonated, is typically filtered to remove unwanted substances, and sometimes additional minerals are added to adjust the flavor.
But that's different from the distillation process, which strips out nearly everything including minerals, leaving the water very pure, but also very bland and flat to the tastebuds. Minerals in your water also contribute a small percentage of the nutrients that help keep your body healthy, such as magnesium, potassium, and even a bit of calcium. So, while occasionally drinking distilled water probably won't harm you, it's the least tasty hydration option, and it's also not the best choice for your health overall.