Every Goodles Mac And Cheese, Ranked Worst To Best
Mac and cheese isn't what comes to mind for most people when they think of a healthy dinner. Goodles, though, makes an attempt to make a basic bowl of mac and cheese a bit healthier with added protein and fiber. But that's not what ultimately draws people to this brand. Rather, it's just the fact that the mac and cheese tastes delicious. You can get all the classic flavors you're used to from other mac and cheese brands, but Goodles stands out from the crowd because it offers so many different flavors, some of which are unique to the brand.
As an avowed mac and cheese lover, I took on the tasty task of preparing, sampling, and ranking all the Goodles flavors, starting with my least favorite and working my way to the best of the best. I evaluated the flavor of each product along with the texture of both the noodles and the sauces to arrive at this ranking. You may not share my assessments, and that's okay. Hopefully, though, this ranking can give you a better idea of which Goodles flavor you should try the next time you're craving some mac and cheese (and just want a simple, easy meal). These are Goodles' mac and cheese flavors, ranked.
Some recommendations are based on firsthand impressions of promotional materials and products provided by the manufacturer.
12. Shell We Dance
Goodles has its standard line of boxed mac and cheese that comes with a powdered cheese sauce. For these products, it's suggested that you add milk and butter to make things creamier. But the brand also has a more deluxe line, and Shell We Dance is one of the two flavors available under that label. Because this one comes with an actual sauce instead of the dried stuff — the main selling point of the deluxe line, I assumed it would taste better than the other flavors. Unfortunately, though, I was wrong.
The main appeal of this line is the fact that it is, in fact, creamier than the other variety, and you don't have to add any other ingredients apart from what comes in the box. Technically, it makes the mac and cheese-making process a bit easier (although adding some milk and butter doesn't exactly require serious cooking skills), and the texture the cheese sauce yields is nice. On the flavor front, though, this one fell flat for me. This sauce is made with aged cheddar, but it doesn't really have that umami complexity you'd expect from an aged cheese. In fact, it almost tastes like there's a slight sweetness there — not exactly what I'm looking for in a boxed mac. Since it's a deluxe product, I expected a lot more from this one than it delivered, earning it the last spot on this ranking.
11. Ched Over Heels
I had the same problem with Goodles' Ched Over Heels as I did with the Shell We Dance. The texture of the cheese sauce is really, really good. It's not just creamy — it almost has a velvety consistency that coats every noodle perfectly, yielding that richness that everyone wants in a bowl of mac and cheese. The texture of the noodles, too, was on point. But when it comes to the flavor of the sauce, I was disappointed. There just wasn't much going on at all. The box says it features a mild cheddar sauce, and "mild" is definitely the word that comes to mind.
If you're looking for a standard mac and cheese you can add other ingredients to, then this stuff is a great option. But for those who want a complete meal in a box without having to source any other ingredients to complement the mac and cheese, there are other Goodles flavors you should probably check out first. Again, since this is regarded as a deluxe product, it should ostensibly be at the top of this list, so the fact that it doesn't stack up makes it particularly egregious.
10. Gluten Free Cheddy Mac
When I first poured the powdered flavor packet into the pasta to make this Gluten Free Cheddy Mac and mixed, I was instantly excited. The texture looked good, of course, but what really appealed to me was the color of the cheese sauce. It's so yellow it's almost orange, and it immediately took me back to the instant mac and cheese I had enjoyed so much as a kid. Sometimes, when it comes to a comfort food as iconic as mac and cheese, triggering that nostalgia just makes everything taste better. That unnatural color also makes it feel a bit indulgent like you're tucking into an especially delicious bowl of pure junk food in the best possible way.
When I took a bite of this pasta, though, I was immediately disappointed. The flavor is quite bland, with a lack of salt that makes the pasta taste deeply uninteresting. The sauce tastes like it came straight out of a Kraft instant mac and cheese box, but the gluten-free pasta's strange texture made it even worse than the stuff you microwaved after you got home from a day of school and your mom wasn't home. Unless you're specifically looking for a gluten-free option, I wouldn't suggest opting for the Gluten Free Cheddy Mac.
9. Shella Good
Sometimes, you just want a basic, easy mac and cheese that will fill you up and satisfy your cheese craving after a long day. Other times, you may want a mac and cheese with a more basic flavor profile because you're planning on adding other flavors and ingredients to the dish yourself. When that's the case, Shella Good from Goodles is a good option. This aged white cheddar mac has a hint of complexity to it, but ultimately, it tastes very much like a standard boxed mac.
There's nothing wrong with basic boxed mac and cheese, but this flavor earns its relatively low spot on the list because so many of Goodles' other flavors are unique, different, and deeply flavorful. This one, by comparison, just falls short, although it's still delicious by boxed mac and cheese standards. My advice? Sprinkle some red chili flakes on top, add some frozen peas, or even stir some Parmesan into the recipe, and you'll enjoy this flavor even more.
8. Bling Bling Bac'n
You definitely don't need to add meat to mac and cheese to make it taste good, but no one I know who eats pork would ever say no to a good bacon mac and cheese. Somehow, Goodles has managed to infuse the flavor of bacon into its Bling Bling Bac'n mac and cheese ... without actually using any bacon at all. I'll be honest: This bacon-flavored mac and cheese doesn't taste that strongly of bacon. You might get a whiff of it as you stir in the sauce packet, and yes, there's a hint of it when you take a bite, but the bacon note isn't very strong.
The flavor that is more noticeable is maple. There's an unexpected and complex sweetness to this mac that makes it feel more elevated than plain old bacon mac and cheese. Whether you'll enjoy this flavor really depends on how you feel about savory and sweet flavor combinations. I happen to think it works really well, but it does need something spicy to create the right flavor balance. Use crushed red pepper or your favorite hot sauce for a truly unique mac and cheese flavor combo.
7. Twist My Parm
There's nothing wrong with a simple, basic mac and cheese recipe, but if you're not whipping up a batch of the stuff for picky kids, there's a chance you'd like a flavor profile that's a bit more elevated than the classic instant mac and cheese you may have grown up with. Goodles is a popular brand just for that reason, and its Twist My Parm flavor is an excellent example of the fact that mac and cheese doesn't have to be basic and simple. The sauce in this product is especially delicious. It's quite salty, but not in a bad way, and despite the name reflecting the inclusion of Parmesan cheese, the flavor that really got my attention is the asiago.
While Twist My Parm's sauce is fantastic, for some reason, the pasta itself tastes a bit different than the other varieties I tried. The noodle's chickpea flavor really stands out here, even though you'll find chickpea protein in most of Goodles' pasta. That bean note isn't unpleasant, but it is a slight distraction from the yumminess of the sauce. Still, though, this mac and cheese flavor is absolutely worth trying for yourself.
6. Gluten Free Vegan Be Heroes
One thing is for sure: Goodles absolutely knows what it's doing when it comes to vegan mac and cheese, and the Gluten Free Vegan Be Heroes is proof of that. This is the ultimate mac for those with dietary restrictions — or just those who want a decadently cheesy mac that feels like a tastier version of those classic mac and cheese brands we all know and love. The sauce is made with plant-based cheddar, but I'll admit that it doesn't actually taste completely like cheddar. Rather, I would liken the flavor of the sauce to that of Cheetos instead. And unless you're a hater of one of the best snacks of all time (which, if you are, I feel sorry that you've never felt true joy), that should prompt you to head to the store to give this stuff a try.
And unlike some gluten-free pastas that become too gummy after boiling, the texture of these noodles is really nice, with an al dente bite that maintains its shape even after it's been hanging out in cheese sauce for a while. Although it may not taste exactly like classic cheddar mac and cheese, this stuff will appeal to vegans and meat-eaters alike.
5. Mover and Shaker
Cacio e pepe is essentially mac and cheese. (Italians, I mean no offense!) It makes sense, then, to create a cacio e pepe mac and cheese. Now, is Goodles' Mover and Shaker real, authentic cacio e pepe? No — you're not going to find that in a box. Rather, this mac and cheese is simply cacio e pepe-inspired. But I have to admit that the flavor is very similar to what you'd find in a homemade cacio e pepe. I was worried that Goodles was going to skimp on the black pepper, really relying on the cheese and cheese alone to carry this dish. But that's definitely not the case here. The black pepper absolutely shines, with a strong, earthy flavor that makes this far from your average boxed mac and cheese.
That being said, if you're looking for more of a classic mac, this stuff may not be what you're looking for. That peppery intensity may not be for everyone, but it really, really works for those who are on the hunt for something that's a step up from the standard.
4. Here Comes Truffle
Truffle-flavored everything has been seemingly everywhere for the past few years, so I'm not always excited when I see a truffle-flavored product. Goodles' Here Comes Truffle, though, is one of those rare truffle products that actually tastes like real truffles and not just a particularly savory corner of your grandparents' basement. The black truffle cheddar sauce isn't actually that heavy on the cheddar taste at all, so if you're not usually a cheddar person, you shouldn't worry about that flavor being too strong. Instead, it's the truffle itself that really cuts through the cheesiness, creating a lovely earthy, mushroom-esque note that's strong but not overpowering.
Although this stuff tastes amazing on its own, shaving some actual truffle on top would make for an incredible high-low combo. Other types of mushrooms, too, would work if you sauteed them and added them to the mix. This one doesn't rank higher because that truffle flavor is very specific and may not appeal to everyone. But if you're the kind of person who always seeks out truffle fries when you go to a restaurant, then this mac and cheese should be at the very top of your must-try list.
3. Smokey Dokey
If you ask me, there's not nearly enough gouda mac and cheese on the market, and blessedly, Goodles is closing that gap with its Smokey Dokey. As you might expect, this mac and cheese is made with a gouda cheese sauce — a cheese that's often known for its signature smokiness. The gouda flavor here is not too strong, although you will get a hint of that cheesy complexity. The smoke factor, though, is intense. Eating this mac and cheese literally tastes like being at a barbecue, and I'm absolutely into it. It's a great option when you feel like having a big hunk of grilled meat and just can't be bothered to do more than boil some pasta on the stove, but I think it would also shine as a side to pulled pork or brisket. Set some out at your next barbecue gathering if you really want to impress.
Want to add some other non-meat ingredients for an upgraded mac experience? Hot honey could make for an interesting twist, and freshly chopped scallions are perfect for freshening things up.
2. Down the Hatch
If there's one problem mac and cheese has, it's the fact that it can be too rich with a lot of fat but nothing to break up that intense heartiness. This sometimes leads to mac and cheese tasting flat and uninteresting after a few bites. The two things that seem to be able to save it are acidity and heat. Goodles' Down the Hatch offers both. Hatch green chilies add a pop of flavor to this ultra-tasty mac and cheese recipe. There's a very slight heat here, but it shouldn't bother you even if you're not someone who usually opts for spicy foods. You might notice a slight tang, too, which only makes it easier to scarf the whole bowl down in one sitting. A super subtle sweetness seems to bring it all together.
There are so many add-ins you could use with Goodles' Down the Hatch. Try it with some ground turkey or baked tempeh, or pour on a few glugs of hot sauce if you want to play up that heat a bit more. But honestly, since this is one of the most delicious flavors of the bunch, you can leave it totally plain and still have a delicious experience.
This flavor gets extra points simply because you won't find hatch green chili-flavored mac and cheese in a box from most other brands. That uniqueness factor earns it the number two spot in this ranking.
1. Vegan Is Believin'
On a list of mostly non-vegan mac and cheeses, this vegan mac stands above all the rest. This is seriously a gem of the mac and cheese world — and not just for those who abstain from eating animal products. Spiral pasta is covered in a plant-based white cheddar sauce that tastes freakishly like real cheddar. In fact, it tastes more like cheddar than some of the actual cheddar-based cheese sauces on this list. It has a rich complexity to it, with nutty and umami notes that taste exactly like an aged cheese. There's just enough saltiness to it to keep things interesting despite the relatively tame flavor.
And you know how some vegan cheese just doesn't melt well and turns into a plasticky glop after it's been heated? That's absolutely not the case here. The sauce is super creamy and melts perfectly, creating a textural experience that's just as good as the flavor. That spiral-shaped pasta holds just enough cheese to deliver a perfect bite every time.
Another reason why this flavor has earned the top spot is the fact that it tastes incredible both on its own (important for when you just want to throw your dinner in a pot and be done with it in 10 minutes) but still simple enough to be versatile in a wide variety of recipes. So, whether you're looking for the ideal vegan mac and cheese or just the ideal mac and cheese in general, you should try Vegan Is Believin'.
I made and taste-tested all of these mac and cheeses in one day, preparing them as recommended on the box. They were tasted when they were hot and fresh from the pot. The criteria for this ranking are the texture of both the pasta and the sauce, as well as the overall flavor of the dish as a whole. Creamier, more flavorful, and more unique products ranked higher on the list than blander, less inventive products.