The Rolling Pin Problem Keeping You From Perfect Homemade Pasta

Let's just face it: Making pasta is hard. Despite its seemingly simple nature, rolling out perfect homemade pasta can frustrate even the most experienced of chefs. There are only a few things you really need, but there is a lot to consider when you're taking on the challenge at home. Before you even crack a single egg, the first thing you should check is your rolling pin.

To prepare a thin sheet of traditional hand-rolled pasta, known as sfoglia, five things are required: eggs, flour, a fork, a rolling pin, and a work surface. What is of the utmost importance is that you make sure those last two pieces of equipment are completely flat. Sfoglia needs to be paper-thin and uniform to create even pieces of pasta, and if either your rolling pin or surface is misshapen, your sfoglia will be uneven, too. So, even if your rolling pin looks fine, you should always take a closer look.

Flat as a board

Wood can warp over time, especially if you soak it in water or put it through the dishwasher. It can be difficult to tell if your pin is warped just by eyeing it, so lay it on a flat surface to check for any gaps. If you want to do a sample test, tear off a small piece of dough and roll it out. If there are any lumps, something is wrong. A rolling pin can also get damaged if it isn't stored properly, so check it for any nicks before you start working with it, too.

The same goes for your work surface, especially if you're using a wooden board. These can also warp, so do your pin tests again to check. You should also make sure your surface is big enough. Sfoglia becomes very large when rolled out, with a rolling pin that's at least 30 to 40 inches long recommended. While pasta boards vary in size, the average one is around 28 inches long and 22 inches wide.

To keep your rolling pin and board in tip-top shape, clean them after every use with a damp towel. Avoid hot water, which can ruin the surface or cause cracks, and try not to use soap to maintain the wood's natural oils. Storing wooden equipment together is recommended. Choose a spot where your pin and board will remain clean and ready for more homemade pasta action.
