The Official Worst Brie Cheese Brand Belongs To A Popular Grocery Chain
A soft slither of this French cheese is a classic addition to any plateau de fromages. Buttery-tasting and creamy in texture, brie pairs beautifully with fruit or crackers. Even better? It's widely available. To scope out the tastiest version, we launched an investigation into the most popular brie cheeses at the grocery store and ranked them. Unfortunately, while there were some clear winners, Trader Joe's Double Cream Brie left our reviewer underwhelmed. She emphasized that there was nothing particularly offensive about it — just a lack of creaminess compared to other cheese. Forgettably mild with a middle-of-the-road texture, it simply walked itself to the back of the queue.
Customers seem to be in agreement. On Reddit, at-home connoisseurs took to threads with passionate recommendations of their favorite TJ brie. Interestingly, the most highly praised cheeses were all flavored — like the green peppercorn or mushroom brie. Evidently, Trader Joe's Double Cream Brie struggles to compete against more intensely flavored cheeses. The cream level matters, too. One user gave some pointed advice: "You want triple cream on the label. I tried to save a couple bucks with double cream and it was just ok."
Not everyone was throwing stones, though: Some customers explained that TJ's double cream brie improves when ripened. If you've already got a wedge in your refrigerator, read our tips on how to serve and eat brie like an expert – a proper warmup so that center goes from stiff to creamy and a good flavor pairing could make all the difference.
What makes some bries creamier than others?
Trader Joe's Double Cream Brie fell short with its creaminess, a real downer for regular shoppers at the chain. But what actually causes a variation in how creamy a brie is? It might come as a surprise, but the primary answer lies with mold. The harder rind is formed by Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum (sometimes both), which are types of mold that break down the fats and proteins within. This process imparts a creamy texture and a more earthy aroma. Without proper ripening — aka the formation of this white mold — the results aren't as creamy. Perhaps Trader Joe's producers rushed the process?
As customers asserted, there's also a big difference between triple and double cream brie. Both are made of cow's milk but have a specific contrast in their recipes, containing different proportions of butterfat. It's a simple concept: Double has 60%-74% fat, while triple has upwards of 75%. For a richer and creamier texture, a triple cream brie wins every time; it's silky and decadent. Hence why many customers prefer its texture.
To embrace brie fully, on perfectly put together cheeseboards, baked in the oven, and even as the creamy cheese that belongs in your pasta dishes, remember these factors when you're picking one at the store. And if you fancy a more flavorsome recommendation? Tasting Table's reviewer found Fromager d'Affinois Le Fromager (which you can buy by the pound on Amazon) an easy winner, even though it's not officially a brie. Deliciously complex with a wild creaminess and underlying mushroom quality, it scooped up first place like a walk in the park.