You've Been Ignoring The Best Quaker Oats Oatmeal Flavor
Quaker Oats has become synonymous with oatmeal in American households. It's one of the top oat brands in the world, and its roots go all the way back to 1901. It's safe to say that the team there knows a thing or two about making a perfect bowl of oatmeal, and they have so many delicious types on offer. Our experts at Tasting Table have tried a lot of them, and to help you narrow down which ones to buy, we ranked 13 Quaker Oats flavors from worst to best. Our number one spot went to a flavor some people might deem an unexpected champion — Raisin, Date, and Walnut.
Stay with us here. We know this one might not jump off the shelf at you, but we promise it's a very deserving winner. Yes, raisins and dates are typically associated with grandparents and little kids, and maybe Apples and Cinnamon would have been a more obvious choice, but didn't you always enjoy those tiny packs of raisins at lunch time? Dates are equally sweet and chewy, and walnuts are crunchy, buttery, and full of rich flavor.
Bowl of comfort
Mixed together, the trio creates a perfectly sweet pairing that shines against the canvas of Quaker's original oatmeal. The recipe also has some cinnamon, which adds to the already warm and comforting flavor. It contains fiber too, and a little bit of iron, which are both good for the body.
The flavor has received plenty of favorable reviews online, with Walmart shoppers saying that "nothing beats it." One fan highlighted the creamy consistency, which is enhanced by the different textures of the toppings. Some people add maple syrup to the oatmeal, or top it with frozen blueberries or seeds. You can also sweeten up your oatmeal with a leftover crumbly addition.
It's worth noting that customers have highlighted the added sugar in the Raisin, Date, and Walnut flavor. A 37 gram serving has seven grams of added sugar, which equates to about 14% of the recommended daily value for the average adult. However, there are oatmeals and cereals with a lot more sugar out there, and raisins and dates contain it naturally. It's worth it for a delicious, satisfying bowl that will brighten your mornings –- no matter your age.