The Easiest Way To Save Leftover Champagne If You Don't Have A Cork Or Stopper
It wouldn't be a party without a bottle of bubbly. On its own, Champagne is guaranteed to add a touch of luxury to any celebration, thanks to its refined, slightly sweet flavor and distinguished effervescence. Sometimes, though, your bottle of sparkling wine might be too big to finish in just one sitting. If you somehow misplaced the bottle's cork, or you don't have a stopper, your first instinct might be to pour it down the drain, as the Champagne could spoil without a proper cover. While we've previously shared how to keep open Champagne bubbly without a stopper by keeping the open bottle as cold as possible, this method doesn't work for extended periods of time. Instead, there's an easy way to save leftover Champagne for multiple days using common household items.
To do this, simply grab some plastic wrap and cut a piece that's big enough to cover the bottle's neck entirely. Place the plastic wrap over the neck of the bottle, pushing it down with your hands. Finally, secure the plastic wrap to the bottle neck using a rubber band, ensuring the bottle is sealed as tightly as possible. By attaching the plastic wrap and rubber band to the bottle, it prevents the release of carbon dioxide gas, which keeps your bottle of bubbly full of fizz for a few days. Of course, this hack doesn't just apply to Champagne and will work well with any of the different types of sparkling wines.
How to store and use your plastic-wrapped Champagne
Now that your leftover Champagne has been effectively resealed, the way you store it is incredibly important when it comes to keeping it safe to consume, and as close to peak freshness as possible. You should always store the opened wine in the fridge, facing upright to prevent any spills. Once in the fridge, the sparkling wine will remain bubbly for a little while, so be sure to drink it as soon as possible. Unlike unopened bottles of Champagne, which spoil after anywhere from three years to a decade, opened and resealed bottles can turn flat after just three to five days. And let's face it, no one wants a flat bottle of bubbles.
If you find that your Champagne has gone flat in the fridge, don't throw it out, as there are many ways to use leftover Champagne. Perhaps the easiest method of repurposing flat bubbly is to make it into ice cubes. Just pour the sparkling wine into an ice cube tray, and set in the freezer. It's perfect for keeping future glasses of Champagne or white wine cold without watering them down. You could also soak fresh or frozen fruit like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries in it to make boozy, infused fruit. This creates a sweet, yet sophisticated garnish for cocktails, like a homemade sangria, or a delicious snack for adults. Or, if you want to feel like a million bucks, you could even try pouring it in the bath with you!