15 Discontinued Candies We'd Love To Bring Back

Nothing may be more nostalgic than discontinued candies — especially ones connected to fond memories. No matter what's going on in the world and your life, the sugar in candy can provide a short-term feeling of happiness. Of course, we may also miss the novelty of a discontinued candy's existence or joyfully remember the product's commercials (and how badly the ads made us want to try the candy).

Now, there's no shortage of discontinued candies out there, but we've zeroed in on those we'd most love to see come back. With a list that spans multiple generations and more than a century of candy history, we'll discuss candies that some readers may remember as well as we do, along with some sweet treats we wish we'd been able to experience (and taste). If we could bring back these discontinued candies for you, we surely would. But for now, keep reading to enjoy the descriptions and your memories.

Maple Nut Goodies

One of the most recent candies to have disappeared off store shelves, Brach's Maple Nut Goodies is also the oldest candy on our list, dating all the way back to 1912. Maple Nut Goodies came in a bag of loose hard candies. Inside of each hard candy coating was a peanut-butter-cookie-dough-like center with a maple flavor. Despite it being nut shaped, the nuts inside the candy were in pieces rather than whole, and the candy itself was sweet and slightly salty.

After customers couldn't find any of this candy on store shelves, Brach's confirmed on FaceBook in February 2024 that the Maple Nut Goodies had been discontinued. Lifelong fans of the candies weren't ready to let it go, though, and the number of people who've signed a Change.org petition urging for the candy's return seems to have steadily increased.

At least one online retailer still appeared to have a few bags left in stock for sale in early 2025, though most appeared to be completely sold out. But if the candy was part of your treasured memories with loved ones across multiple generations, you may want to do your own search for remaining bags.

MilkShake bar

When the Hollywood Candy Company created the Milkshake candy bar in the late 1920s, its fluffy malted-milk nougat (topped with caramel and coated in chocolate) was fairly unique. In fact, the Mars company was so impressed with the idea of putting nougat in a candy bar, that it seemingly stole the idea with a candy bar that's still in production: the Milky Way.

Of course, one aspect that made Milkshake candy bars stand out was that they tasted great frozen. Since many stores would sell the candy bars in the freezer alongside ice cream treats in the summer months, it almost qualifies as a discontinued frozen treat you almost forgot, as well. The Milkshake Candy Bar was most popular in the 1930s through the 1950s, and was still hanging on into the 1980s. But the beginning of the end came when the factory that had been making the candy bar since 1938 burned down in 1980, leaving the company without the equipment to make the Milkshake candy bar.

Eventually, Consolidated Foods sold the rights to all Hollywood Candy Company products to the Leaf Candy Company in 1988. Leaf Candy Company made the candy until Hershey's bought out the company in 1996, which really only wanted the Zero and Payday brands. As a result, the remaining old Hollywood candies, including the Milkshake candy bar, were set aside and discontinued.

Seven Up bar

One of the more intriguing candy bars we'd love to bring back is the Seven Up bar. No: It had nothing to do with the 7-Up soda. Instead, it was a chocolate candy bar with seven different flavors – each inside an individual compartment within the bar.

Interestingly, the flavors you might experience might be different from one batch to the next; the company appeared to assess what was popular with fans — as well as what ingredients they could source — when determining flavors. There were some confection-type flavors like fudge, buttercream, butterscotch, caramel, and nougat; a few fruit flavors like cherry, coconut, and orange; as well as some others like Brazil nut and mint.

The name and the cost of the ingredients eventually put an end to this candy. There were trademark issues related to 7-Up soda given the brand had been around since 1929, while the candy didn't make an appearance on the scene until the 1930s. Still, it didn't disappear from the market until 1979. The closest thing available today is the Sky Bar, which contains four separate flavors of filling instead of seven. It has sections filled with fudge and caramel like the Seven Up Bar had, plus sections filled with vanilla and peanut flavors.

Wonka Bar

Wonka Bars first appeared as a fictional item in Roald Dahl's 1964 novel, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Five of the book's candy bars contained golden tickets that would allow five lucky children to tour Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Of course, not long after the "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" film debuted in 1971, an actual candy company named Wonka began to produce real candy. Not only was there a chocolate Wonka Bar, but there was also vanilla, cherry, and banana flavors (which were reportedly more like taffy than anything else).

When Nestle obtained the rights to this candy in 1988, it began making its own chocolate variation of Wonka Bars. And when a newer film version of the book was released in 2005, the world got new Wonka Bars. This time, however, there were actual golden tickets in some bars, entitling finders to a $10,000 prize.

Unfortunately, after the excitement from the newer movie's release died down (and there were no more golden tickets available), the chocolate bars didn't sell as well, leading to the eventual discontinuation of Wonka Bars. There have been some fake Wonka Bars with counterfeit golden tickets found for sale since the candy left shelves, though, inspiring a few police raids in the U.K.


Even though it's been gone for decades, fans of the Marathon bar still remember it fondly. After all, this chocolate bar first came out in 1973 – and nothing quite like it has come out since. Sure, other chocolate and caramel candies have been released, but none have consisted of an 8-inch braided chocolate and caramel bar. The original Marathon package actually included a ruler at the top or back so customers could see just how much longer this candy bar was than the average one.

Not only was the Marathon bar long, but the nature of the chewy candy meant it took more time to eat than usual. This was seen as similar to the way a marathon takes longer than the average race — hence, the name — and the fact that you couldn't eat it quickly was part of its marketing campaign.

Unfortunately, the Marathon bar wasn't even around for a full decade, disappearing off shelves in the U.S. by 1981. However, those who miss the Marathon bar may be able to import a similar candy from Cadbury in the U.K. called the Curly Wurly. It's pretty close to the old Marathon chocolate bar in concept and shape.

DinaSour Eggs

Sweet and sour DinaSour Eggs were released in 1981 on the heels of the success of Sour Patch Kids from the previous decade. Rather than being a sour gummy candy, though, DinaSour Eggs were jawbreaker-type candies, appealing to both sour candy lovers and dinosaur fans.

The multiple colored layers inside were reminiscent of another Willy Wonka favorite that still exists today: Everlasting Gobstoppers. The large egg-shaped jawbreaker in each box changed colors and flavors as you sucked on it, with the four layers featuring various fruity flavors. It was claimed that the candy could last somewhere between 30 minutes to a whole hour if you savored it, with each ring having the potential to last an average of 10 minutes.

The DinaSour Egg shrunk through the years, becoming much smaller by the end of the 1980s. You could even buy a small box or bag of several smaller DinaSour eggs instead of one large one by the 1990s. While this may have seemed more appealing than having a sour candy in your mouth for up to an hour, DinaSour Eggs eventually went the way of the dinosaurs, becoming extinct in the mid-1990s.


Bonkers! candies are one of the many discontinued fruit snacks we'd love to experience again. They were chewy fruit candies with a sorta vanilla-flavored outside and different-colored fruit flavor inside — so they were a little like Starburst.

The commercials were ... well ... bonkers, with giant pieces of fruit falling from the sky to "bonk you out" any time you tried a piece of the candy. With all that ridiculousness, who didn't want to try this candy when it came out in the mid-1980s? Bonkers! came in multiple fruit flavors, including strawberry, grape, orange, lemon lime, and watermelon, though you could get it in chocolate, too. 

Bonkers! were discontinued in the 1990s, though the candy made a comeback in 2018 (six years after Leaf Brands bought the trademark for it). While the revival didn't last long, at least one online company still has its listing for the candy up as of 2025 (in sold-out status) in the hopes that it returns again. Leaf Brands doesn't leave us with the same level of hope, though, since it hasn't changed the status of Bonkers! since the mid-2010s.

Sunkist Fun Fruits

Nearly every kid who grew up in the 1980s wanted to try Sunkist Fun Fruits because of the commercials alone. The ads featured talking trees like the ones in "The Wizard of Oz," but instead of throwing apples, the trees rained Sunkist Fun Fruits if you tickled them. The candies were made with real fruit and came in packets that featured flavors like orange, strawberry, grape, cherry, tropical fruit, fantastic fruit punch, and berry punch.

Sunkist Fun Fruits were chewier, jammier, and less gummy or soft than today's similar fruit snacks, so both the texture and flavor offer nostalgia. Unfortunately, these fruit snack candies came out in the mid-1980s, but disappeared some time in the early 1990s. Sunkist also put out Fun Fruits Creme Supremes with a yogurt coating, though that candy no longer exists, either. You still may be able to find Sunkist Fruit Gummies, but they definitely don't taste or feel the same as the brand's Fun Fruits.

Alpine White

When Alpine White came out in 1986, the white chocolate candy bar (made with almonds) was a hit because it didn't contain the standard brown-hued chocolate found in nearly every other candy bar on the market. Some of us may have even labored under the delusion that it was healthier since it was made from white chocolate, while others felt the Alpine name made it exotic. The commercial for the candy bar featured Alpine scenes, after all, which beckoned us to try it.

While many of us fondly remember Alpine White, the two candy bars Nestle marketed alongside it – a milk chocolate bar and a milk chocolate bar with almonds — didn't make too many waves. Unfortunately, this likely helped cause Alpine White's discontinuation in the mid-1990s. Even decades later, there's an active Change.org petition seeking to bring it back. Additionally, if you search for "Alpine White" on Amazon, several other white chocolate bars will appear, showing the discontinued candy's memory remains prevalent.

Lifesavers Holes

Donut holes are a thing, so it was probably inevitable that Lifesavers would try selling holes, too. Because people looked for the original Lifesavers candies in cylindrical-shaped packaging, the company decided to market Lifesavers Holes in a similarly-shaped plastic tube. These came in the expected Five Flavors mix (cherry, watermelon, raspberry, orange, and pineapple), as well as flavors such as Tangerine, Island Fruits, WintOgreen, Sunshine Fruits, PepOmint, and Butter Rum.

Lifesavers Holes came out in late 1990, and recalled just a few months later in early 1991. So what happened to Lifesavers Holes? It turned out the small plastic tubes were choking hazards, leading the company to go back to the drawing board to make safer packaging. While the candy returned with new packaging several months later, it wasn't meant to last, and left shelves for good not long after. Amazingly, you can still find sealed packages of these on eBay as of March 2025, though we'd prefer to see the real candy come back.


Another of the many '90s snacks you can't buy today is Sodalicious. It was a soda-flavored gummy candy that Betty Crocker introduced in 1991. There was a Fruity mix version with six pouches, each containing a combo of red punch, lemon-lime, and grape soda candies. There was also a Soda version that had two pouches each of root beer, orange soda, and cherry cola candies, as well as a 7-Up flavor option.

One of its claims was that it used real fruit, making them not only chewy soda candies but also chewy fruit candies. Sodalicious candies also had a coating on them that produced a fizzy sensation. Some boxes even came with soda-scented scratch-and-sniff stickers to make them more appealing.

While Sodalicious was so delicious (get it?), it didn't make it to the next century. The Fruity mix variety was discontinued in 1995, while the Soda variety was discontinued in 1998. Fans have begged Betty Crocker to bring them back since then, but the candy remains a relic. You may still be able to find an old box or two on eBay from time to time with ridiculous price tags, if you're lucky. Interestingly, those who've tried old boxes report on social media that they're still edible.

Butterfinger BBs

If you remember Butterfinger BBs, you likely associate them with Bart Simpson. You may still remember the commercial with him saying, "Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger BBs." They were exactly like Butterfinger candy bars — with crunchy peanut-flavored candy inside and chocolate on the outside — but they were small, bite-sized round pieces, and came in a package similar to M&Ms.

So what happened to Butterfinger BBs? Well, it turns out Nestle was ultimately responsible for taking Butterfinger BBs from Bart Simpson (and the rest of us). Butterfinger representatives once revealed on social media that the BBs were discontinued because the company didn't sell enough of them. Though the last time anyone was able to buy them was just before the candy's discontinuation in 2006, many fans continue to remember them fondly.

While Butterfinger candy bars are still available, the closest thing you may be able to find to Butterfinger BBs is Butterfinger Bites, which the company put out in 2009. However, since they're square rather than round, and larger than the BBs were, they just don't have the same mouthfeel as the discontinued candy. Since they also taste different since Fererro Roche bought Butterfinger in 2018 and changed the recipe, we're left hoping the original Butterfinger BBs return some day.

Fruit String Thing

Betty Crocker introduced Fruit String Thing to the world in 1994. It was another supposedly real fruit snack, and came on sheets. The advertisements for these spaghetti-shaped fruit candies seemed to give you full permission to play with your food, showing people turning them into glasses, jewelry, and using them for games of cat's cradle. According to one ad, you could "tie it, twist it, braid it, swing it, wrap it, pull it, swirl it, loop it, eat it, and love it." Who didn't want to give such a fun candy a try?

Some Fruit String Thing varieties even came pre-shaped into items like bicycles, with the leftover space on the sheet taken up by something that looked like Fruit Roll-ups. Unfortunately, Fruit String Thing appeared to be discontinued by the mid-2000s, never to be seen again – though Annie's Peel-A-Parts and The Froot Thief Real Fruit Whips offer something similar.


Despite how beloved Hershey's Swoops were by those who tried them, you could only find them for a four-year period between 2003 and 2006. After that, the candy was no more. These candies had the same shape as a Pringle's potato chip, and came in small tubs (which were akin to a single-serving size of Pringles). Swoops were the perfect shape to lay against your tongue to melt. Plus, you could buy them in a Hershey's Milk Chocolate flavor, as well as Almond Joy, Reese's, and York Peppermint Patty varieties.

Despite the fan love for this mid-2000s candy line, Hershey told The Sun in 2023 that there were no plans to bring Swoops back. We'd certainly love to see them return some day. Until then, though, if you were lucky enough to have experienced them back in the day, you'll have to settle for them living on in your memory


There are all sorts of Hershey's Kisses flavors in the 2020s, and we're grateful. However, a version we wish the company would bring back is its Kissables. Kissables were candy-coated mini Hershey's Kisses that came in the same colors as M&Ms (and looked a little like game tokens). The candies reportedly had harder shells than M&Ms, though, allowing them to keep their shape even when they got warm.

Kissables came out in 2005 and were discontinued in 2009 after a decline in popularity. The problem seemed to be that the recipe changed during that span, making fans of the candy less inclined to buy them. There's a petition on Change.org for those who would love to see the candy return — in their original state, of course — as of this writing. Unfortunately, unless Kissables are brought back, the closest candy in terms of flavor and texture are the Hershey-ets, which you can occasionally find around holidays like Valentine's Day and Easter.
