2 Simple Tips To Cook Lean Meat Without Drying It Out

Lean meat is low in fat and high in protein, which makes it a great ingredient in healthy dinner recipes. However, as lean beef, chicken, and lamb contain less fat than expensive cuts that have a rich, flavorful marbling, they are more prone to becoming dry and tasting bland when cooked poorly. We spoke to Kevin Chrisman, executive chef at Golden Hour, to get some tips on the best way to cook lean meat without drying it out. He said, "Cook it hot and fast, and baste it in butter with lots of herbs." This two stage technique is so effective because a speedier cook ensures that the center of the meat remains succulent, while the butter and aromatics amplify the umami flavor.

A quick, fierce sear is often employed to cook lean cuts of beef (such as top sirloin or loin steak) so that they can develop a golden crust but remain on the right side of rare in the middle. The reason rare steak is usually safe to eat is because most of the bacteria lie on the surface and are killed off when fried in a hot skillet. However, other lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, should be cooked all the way through to the center to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent food poisoning. This doesn't mean you can't cook these meats hot and fast — simply use a thinner cut or beat them with a meat mallet to flatten them out and tenderize them first.

An herby butter baste elevates lean meats

Basting lean meats with butter does two things. First, the heat from the hot fat encourages the meat to cook more quickly across its top surface while the bottom sizzles in the skillet. It always pays to baste your steak with butter because it encourages the beef to develop a rich, golden color and appetizing sheen. Second, the butter maximizes flavor by lending lean meats a nutty taste and aroma. While some might say that adding butter to the pan defeats the purpose of selecting a leaner cut, you don't have to use an enormous amount to reap the benefits. Even a pat will imbue lean meats with a touch of much-needed moisture and flavor on the outside.

Classic herbs to use in a butter baste for lean beef include rosemary and thyme. These woody herbs should be added towards the end of the cooking time as they will quickly impart their flavor and aroma into the fat and savory pan juices, and there's a risk that they could burn if you scatter them in too early. Lean chicken and turkey can take on a variety of herbs, such as oregano, coriander, sage, and basil. You could even use a homemade compound butter that incorporates garlic, chives, or chili to create an umami, garlicky pan sauce to pour over your dish at the end.
