You Don't Have To Be Sneaky To Get An Extra Free Sample At Costco

If the best things in life are free, then a trip to Costco can be a land of opportunity for those who love samples. From frozen foods and snacks to more curious offerings like beef broth and pet food, customers can literally spend a trip sampling their way through the store, searching for the latest and greatest offerings. For those who can't get enough of samples, there are times when one just isn't enough. While the urge to ask for another sample can be tempting, many customers may shy away from it. Is asking for another sample allowed at Costco?

The simple answer is yes, customers can have more than one sample. In fact, it's okay for Costco shoppers to return for seconds, thirds, fourths, and so on. According to a Reddit poster who said their job is handing out the freebies, customers can come back for as many samples as they want. However, the original poster admitted, "Personally, I think [it's] kind of rude ... " Their reason for this is that sometimes Costco sample areas have a limited supply of an item, so if there's a sizable line of people waiting, one customer taking multiple samples may result in other customers not getting one.

Not everyone is a fan of Costco samples

Costco may not make money from the samples, themselves, but giving out free samples helps build interest, which in turn helps drive sales. But not all Costco customers are fans of free samples.

While an offer of a piece of chocolate or a new soft drink can be enticing, Costco customers have voiced their displeasure with samples on Reddit, arguing that free samples make it harder to navigate certain parts of the store because of the long lines those stations create. Other customers cite food safety concerns as a reason for refusing samples, especially if some less popular samples have been sitting out in the open for awhile.

Costco's store policy may technically allow for the taking of unlimited samples, but not following accepted etiquette may result in a few stares from other customers. For those who enjoy samples, they can be the highlight of a weekend trip to Costco, but those who visit the store just for the samples are likely better off buying the products in question, or hitting Costco's famous food court.
