Cocktail Recipes And Stories In Jason Wilson's Boozehound Book

A new cocktail book travels the globe

Cocktail connoisseur, international traveler and spirits columnist for The Washington Post, Jason Wilson is one of few people certified to drink on the job.

In his brand-new book, Boozehound: On the Trail of the Rare, the Obscure, and the Overrated in Spirits, Wilson shares alcohol-fueled adventures, including stealing secrets from the Jägermeister factory, and his side of the story on spilling the beans about a popular speakeasy in Adams Morgan.

In his liquor-fueled research for this book, Wilson found that tequila is the next (and long-deserved) boom in cocktails. It's not just for margaritas, either. Here are Wilson's favorite mixers for Mexico's national beverage:

Aperol This low-proof, orange Italian aperitivo is known as the "MSG of cocktails" for its uncanny ability to enhance and balance disparate flavors.

Celery Bitters It may sound strange, but Wilson says the combination works: "Good tequila has pronounced herbal, vegetal notes from the agave, so the celery bitters complement it well." Wilson combines the bitters, Aperol and tequila in the Restraining Order cocktail (click here to download the recipe).

Grapefruit Soda In Mexico, the Paloma–typically white tequila and Squirt–is more popular than the margarita. Wilson favors Izze's pink grapefruit soda, which he pours into an ice-filled glass with tequila for "the perfect lazy man's drink."

Chinotto Soda Wilson likes to mix this bittersweet Italian citrus soda (look for San Pellegrino's) with tequila and a squeeze of lime in a tall glass. Dry, bitter and sweet, it's a complex match for a complex spirit.
