The Best Eats From Wine To Mustard

Stockpiling flavor during the shortest month

Consider February like a reduced stock. Though smaller in volume than other months, it offers truly robust flavor.

To wit, this month has given us plenty of edible gifts. Here, a short list:

Sauer Puss The ultimate hot dog topping has been reinvented inspiringly at the hands of the Bay Area-based company Farmhouse Culture. The tart-apple-and-fennel version adds a sweet-sour crunch to your favorite sandwich.

Just Bee-ming Don't just keep bees–keep bees happy. A new line of pinewood beehives is designed with the DIY set in mind and also puts less stress on the honey makers themselves.

Discount Shopper Buying cheap wine can be a dangerous endeavor: Although bargains exist, they're often hard to find. Look to Plonk, a new online boutique wine shop–where all bottles are less than $30–for a curated list of excellent discoveries.

Cut the Mustard Food-based sightseeing gets specific at this Wisconsin shrine to the punchy condiment, mustard. For those who can't make the trip, explore the thousands of offerings online.
