Cutting Boards By Gary Baum, Nils Wessell, Pete Raho
Cutting boards go local
If you want those pristine Greenmarket ingredients to have an equally local and stunning kitchen mate, cut straight to our favorite, locally produced cutting boards:
Gary Baum of City Beautiful Carpentry has his hand in numerous food-related carpentry projects, including the construction of Saxelby Cheesemongers. Now he's selling beautiful end-grain boards ($75) assembled from odds and ends from his cabinetry projects and from reclaimed scraps, such as lumber from the Coney Island boardwalk. Available at Bklyn Larder;
Nils Wessell, former assistant to Cut Brooklyn knife maker Joel Bukiewicz, launched Brooklyn Butcher Blocks from a basement workspace in Sunset Park. His durable butcher blocks and cheeseboards ($150 each) are constructed from Pennsylvania cherry and walnut wood and finished with New York City beeswax. Available at Cut Brooklyn, Brooklyn Victory Gardens and The Brooklyn Kitchen;
Pete Raho of Gowanus Furniture Co. is taking cutting boards beyond their wooden beginnings, customizing boards with Morse-coded initials inlaid in walnut ($90 to $350). Petite city kitchen workspaces can be maxed out with clever over-sink and -stove versions that have slots for knives and even slide-out mini cutting boards. Available at By Brooklyn or by sending an email to