How To Make A Rose Cocktail With Gin, Lemon Juice And Creme De Ca

Bubbly pink wine gets festive

Champagne is the bottle of choice for a variety of romantic celebrations. The fruity, berry notes of the bubbly work really well with the botanicals in the gin and the chocolate liqueur. And there's a range of great, affordable rosés that are made in the methode traditionnelle-a fantastic alternative to Champagne if you're going to be going through a couple of bottles.

This is most definitely a special-occasion drink-it's a complex cocktail with layers and nuance. But life's definitely more rosy with rosé.

To learn more, read "Before Midnight."

Recipe by Jim Meehan, Tasting Table Drinks Editor

Rosé-Tinted Glass

5 (46 ratings)

Combine sparkling rosé, creme de cacao and gin for a stellar celebratory cocktail.

Prep Time
Cook Time
Total time: 5 minutes


  • 3 ounces sparkling rosé
  • 1 ounce gin (preferably Plymouth Gin)
  • 1½ ounces Zwack
  • ½ ounce fresh lemon juice
  • ½ ounce Marie Brizard Crème de Cacao White
  • Cava, to top
  • Rose petal, for garnish


  1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the rosé, gin, Zwack, lemon juice and Marie Brizard Crème de Cacao White over ice and shake until well chilled. Strain into a chilled coupe. Top with the cava and garnish with a rose petal.
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