The Easiest Way To Peel Ginger Is With A Spoon

You don't need a fancy peeler to take the skin of ginger. In fact, you don't even need a sharp knife. You can peel the skin off of ginger root by using the edge of a spoon to scrape it away. Due to the twisted, knobby shape of ginger, using sharper peeling methods not only creates unnecessary difficulty but can pose a potential safety risk. A spoon is a safe way to remove the skin and keep the majority of ginger intact; you don't have to worry about taking off a larger chunk than intended with this method.

To peel your ginger using a spoon, simply hold your ginger firmly on a surface and begin scraping the edge of your spoon from top to bottom. The bowl part of the spoon should be facing toward you as you do this. Apply pressure to the spoon to effectively flake the skin off and rotate the ginger to ensure you get all the skin. Your ginger should be fresh for this to work; sturdy ginger with no signs of wrinkling or dryness is ideal. To make this process even easier you can soak your ginger root for a few minutes before peeling. 

When working with ginger, take note if your ginger root is younger or older. Older ginger root is what is typically seen at the grocery store and has a thicker, paper-like skin. If you get younger ginger, say from a farmers market or specialty store, you don't have to worry about peeling it since the skin is so thin.

How to store ginger after you've peeled it

Once you remove the skin from the ginger, it has a shorter shelf life. You can no longer store it on your counter, exposed to air. After you've peeled your ginger, you can store it by tightly wrapping it in plastic wrap and placing it in your fridge. Ginger that is kept this way has a shelf life of up to three weeks, giving you ample time to use up the rest of the root. Just be sure to examine for any signs of mold as you continue to use it.

You could also opt to grate your ginger and store it in miniature ice cube trays for a frozen, ready-to-use, measured-out dose of ginger whenever you need it. To do this simply grate any leftover ginger you have, evenly distribute it into a mold, wrap or cover the mold, and freeze it for up to four months. Preserved ginger is another way to extend the shelf life. You can submerge the ginger in a neutral alcohol like vodka to store it for an extra two weeks, or even try your hand at making pickled ginger.
