6 Things To Know About Whole Foods' New 365 Market

Whole Foods' less-expensive sister store to open next month

For anyone who has ever shopped at Whole Foods only to leave the store and look down at one's receipt aghast, news of the market's upcoming less-expensive sister project, 365, is welcome.

The first of what will likely be many outlets around the country is slated to open in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles on May 25, just in time for Memorial Day grill-out shopping. Curious about the project, we asked president of the market Jeff Turnas for some of the details. Here's what to expect:

Friends are movin' in. The team is bringing "friend" Chloe Coscarelli of the hit vegan spot, By Chloe, to L.A., where she'll set up shop in the market. There will also be other vendors, or "friends", like Allegro Coffee and tea start-up teaBOT, which allows diners to help themselves to custom tea blends.

Dollar, dollar bills y'all: While the team's still staying tight-lipped about exact pricing, one report compares it to Trader Joe's prices or perhaps just a bit more.

Big, but not too big. The stores on average will be about 28,000 square feet. To put that into perspective, the average Whole Foods is about 40,000 to 45,000 square feet. Plus, seating for about 50 customers wanting to munch inside the store. So this will be smaller, but don't expect a bodega, Turnas jokes.

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Help yo'self. "You'll be helping yourself a little more," Turnas says, particularly at a series of hot and cold bars and even in places like the seafood department. Perfect for a game of Supermarket Sweep, or just a faster shopping experience.

Gettin' fresh. Just like at Whole Foods, produce will be a hallmark of the new markets, but expect the offerings to be a bit more tightly curated. There will be "less decisions to make," Turnas, who wants to make the department "less intimidating," says.

No ink. Just for the record, no matter what you've heard, there won't be a tattoo parlor at the first store, Turnas says. You'll just have to get your ink somewhere else.

After the L.A. store makes its debut, look out for a slew of additional openings to follow. First up: Bellevue, Washington and Portland, Oregon, before the year is over plus 10 more stores next year.
