London Is Getting A Clothing-Optional Restaurant

There are more than 5,300 people on the wait list for London's nudist restaurant

Consider The Bunyadi the ultimate anti-suit jacket restaurant. Or, the never nude's nightmare.

That's because clothing is optional at London's soon-to-open pop-up restaurant—and prospective diners are already lining up. The Bunyadi doesn't open until June, but as of this morning, already 5,368 people have signed up for a ticket wait list.

"The idea is to experience true liberation," Seb Lyall, the guy behind a Breaking Bad-themed bar and now The Bunyadi, tells Metro.

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That means no phones, no gas (wood fire only), no electricity and, naturally, no clothes. Once you enter the restaurant, there's a changing room, where you can slip into a gown and head to the dedicated nudist dining area (aka the Naked and Pure section), where the waitstaff will be mostly naked, too. (The kitchen crew will be fully clothed, if you're wondering.) The whole meal is priced between 55 to 65 euros a person, which includes drink pairings.

However, for those who prefer to dine in the comfort of modern clothing, there's a non-nude part of the restaurant. But what's the fun in that?
